DR650 spring
Can any one tell me what the standerd leangth of the rear shock spring is on the 2007 Dr650 and is there any difference in leangth between the 1998 and 2007 models, is there a heavy duty touring spring for the DR
I met a guy with a 98 DR he was carring a lot more luggage than i am but the back end of his bike sat much better than mine, the rear shock was a lot stiffer, he'd had the bike from 2 years old and had kept it standerd, I got my DR new in Australia in 07 and the back end has all ways felt soft, even with out my panniers.
Was there ever a change of shocks between the years? and info please Skip
Do the best you can with what you have,
A stranger in a strange land now heading North South East West to.....