I was mistaken. I have been reading over the manual at night and must have dreamed it. lol I didn't find that info in the manual.
Which was odd, being street legal I assumed they had to list gross vehicle weight limits. Could still be there and couldn't find it.
I would assume , and this is assumtion, even being a large rider. The bike should carry any reasonable amount of equipment that still allows the bike to handle properly. The limiting factor I believe will be a point when theres too much weight and casues dangerous handling. This would happen before you could comfortably ride the bike over loaded and break it.
The bike is rated to carry two passengers. So if you think its a 175 and 135 pound person thats a combined 310 lbs (approx 150 kilos ) and thats conservative. I've ridden two people. While the weight is not distributed well with carrying a passenger, its pretty easily handled.
So if you figure solo riding with a well distributed load, you could pack some stuff.
Which brings me around to a great point why I think this bike is good for long travel. I stayed off the bike for a long time becasue it looked too big and heavy.
I'm 5'10 and have trouble always touching the ground on it. BUt, I finally rode one. I couldn't believe it. This big heavy bike handled, well great. I was throwing it around and railing berms. I then started thinking how could this be. It weights so much, or seems so. Well, I think it is becasue its a big bike. NOt a small bike thast too heavy. While the 400 has weight its well ditributed around the bike.
So I figured, it has some weight to it and is a stable handling bike. This means it should take a load well and cover pretty nasty terrain well and have enough girth to not get blown around too bad at speed.
I'll keep an eye out for those stats and if I find I'll surely post it.
Thank You,
Todd Bellew
Thank You,
Todd Bellew