Issues with TS 185
Hey guys,
I picked up a 72 Ts185 a few months ago and have been trying to get it into the best shape I can for a epic ride from Milwaukee to South America in January.
So far I have done a lot of work and thought I had it running good until a few days ago.

I took it on my first longer ride and it seemed to do great for an hour but after I stoppped, I coulden't get it to run. It would start and rev high then die and not work for an hour and then do the same thing. I had good spark, fuel and compression so I figured it was my carb.
I cleaned out the carb and it started right up, but would not run without the choke. I rode 10 min home with the choke on and the bike would die if i let off the throttle. Once home I tried playing the the fuel mixture and idle screws but it did not help and now the bike will not start again.
Other possible issues are:
That the copper ring between the engine and exhast is fried and leaking. Trying to track down a replacement.
The previous owner replaced the stock air filter with a cone one.
I would love some guidance and ideas!