Swiss Alps - altitude issues
I am finally leaving Amsterdam this week and heading for the Alps and then the Dolomites. I have fitted a Hepco Becker luggage rack to my bike - no problems - except having to drill out the corroded aluminium bolts from the luggage rack into the sub frame.
I picked up a waterproof Swiss Army backback from a military disposal store here in Amsterdam for 30 Euros. It has enough clips to fit snuggly onto the luggage rack side frame. This is a cheaper option for me than aluminium pannniers. The backpack is solidly consructed and has an aluminium sub frame to add rigidity to the set up (it is small, square shape, and only about 6 inches thick). Anyone interested in pics of this 'do it yourself' pannier set up pls let me know.
So my question - I am planning this trip into altitude (ie the Alps). Will I have to change jetting/ carb settings on the bike or will it perform satifactorily with stock carb settings? My preference is not to change anything. I am not so concerned abut fuel consumption or bike performance - just reliability and steady running. Anyone had experience with this?
By the way the DR (96) has scrubbed up pretty well with a chain and sprocket change, luggage rack, new rear disc, brake pads front and back, grease of rear suspension linkages (only one seized), oil and oil filter change.
Nearly ready to hit the road.