Motul 5100 10W40 (or 10W50) is a good choice for this engine. I had an SV650 before, which has basically the same engine (and that engine was even taken fully apart & checked thorougly after 60.000kms, as it took part in a long-term test for a magazine)... and now on my 3rd DL, so a total +180.000kms with this twin, and no problems.
Sometimes on my trips I´ve had to get whatever has been available (forgot the brand, but some 20W40 in Iran, for example) and didn´t seem to make a whole lot of difference. But I changed those quite often, too, because I didnt really trust their quality. And when available, I´ll use that 5100 every time.
For a warm climate, it should be ok to use 15W50, or even 20W50, but if you´ll need to cold-start a lot, then 10W- is better.