Oil change
Hello all,
I have an xt600e year 2000 and I changed the oil filter and oil, here is what I did.
1. Got the bike warm.
2. Took out oil filler cap.
3. Drained frame....left it draining.
4. Drained sump....left it draining.
5. Removed oil filter....left it draining.
6. Left it an hour.
7. Poured oil into filter and fitted it.
8. Sump plug in.
9. Frame plug in.
10. Measured out 2.5 litres of oil and poured it in.
11. Turned it a few times with kill switch off to circulate the oil.
12.Choke on, started it up and let it idle for 4-5 minutes while I checked for any leaks.
13.Checked level and added more oil with a measuring jug until it was at the correct level.
My owners manual and a workshop manual both say the capacity with oil filter replacement is 2.8 litres.
To my surprise I added another 1.3 litres (in .25L increments) so the total was 3.8 litres. Luckily I had bought 4 litres of oil.
But I am concerned that I did some damage to my engine by running it for 4-5 minutes with only 2.5 litres of oil inside.