Hello all,
(Though I'm ashamed to admit it) I have never really done much of my own work on bikes and have relied on the garage. I'm currently on a long trip though and budget is tight, so I decided that the time was right to start learning - and I have promptly f***** things right up.
Today I changed the sparkplugs and air-filter on my 2014 Triumph Tiger 800 (basic stuff I know) - to get to the spark plugs and air-box on the Tiger, you need to remove the fuel tank.
Essentially, after replacing the spark plugs and changing the air filter, I have the following issues:
- Bike struggles to start. I have to open the throttle to get the engine running and this was not the case before, the engine always started with no issues. Once going, it seems to idle relatively normally, about 1,000rpm. The engine did not cut out during normal start/stop city riding when I took it for a short ride.
- The engine warning light is showing.
- On a short ride (40 minutes) fuel consumption seemed very high, dropping several bars on the gauge.
- All three cylinders are firing, so I don't seem to have done anything wrong with the plugs.
- I removed the airbox to clean when changing the filter - disconnecting breather pipe, snorkel, etc. When replacing the snorkel, it did not seem to fit as snugly as previously.
Would really appreciate some advice on:
- what is the likely issue and what should I try to fix it?
- am I likely to do further damage to the engine running it?
Thanks in advance for any advice!
(I'm currently in Tallinn in Estonia and will be heading to Helsinki on Monday morning - anyone in either city able to help out in person will receive a
