Rear brake question - drum or disc brake for south america
Hi folks,
I´m preparing a trip to SA with my Horst Ullrich sidecar.  I´m the 6th owner of it and all of the previous ones did a lot of modifications.
Especially the rear brake is somehow different: it´s a custom made - though highly efficient - disc brake.
But I´m worried that I won´t find any spares for this type in south america (or somewhere else in the world :confused1  Also it´s a little tricky to change tires with this highly personalized setup.
So I´m thinking in switching back to a conventional original BMW-like drum brake for which I can find spares easily all over the world. Additionally drum brakes seem to be better suited for dusty gravel roads and are said to require less maintenance.
What would you do? What type of rear brake do you recommend for off-road use / south america?