Originally Posted by oldbmw
The term "as good" need to be qualified. Often running in oil does not contain all the anti wear properties of normal service oil so in fact is "less good".
Gents, lets get this straight. There is no such thing as running-in oil.
Manufacturers just use regular oil - I know, I spent a lot of time around the assembly plant of Japan's largest auto company and have asked the question of the head engineer.
The reason oil analyses of oil removed from a newly run in vehicle show different chemical constituents is because the engines are assembled using molybendum lubricants and grease. The molybendum then shows up in the oil analysis leading us to believe in this legendary running-in oil with miraculous qualities. The actual oil they use in new motors is not even high quality oil - just generic base level oil folks.
As for changing the oil after a couple of hundred km from new - yes, I totally agree. It can do no harm (other than to your hip pocket), and potentially a lot of good.
Garry from Oz.
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