Originally Posted by Bones667
That was a great link, thanks. I really enjoyed reading it.
Just goes to show there's a few of us about - codgers doing long(ish) trips on small bikes that is. I tried to get down to West Africa on my antique 125 last January but after a problem with the bike (no power- even for a 125) and a problem with the weather called it off part way through.
This was the bike on the way back -
This was the weather that put me off -
Unlike John I've put my faith in the power of the printed word to record these things and have written a book about my previous trips on the 125 -
All very old-skool, tapping away with my quilt pen on the typewriter, but it does give you a chance to work out what you actually thought when you have to write it down. Very cathartic until someone you wrote about actually reads what you said