Back home again
Evening folks. I've not been with you for the last 3 weeks as Mike and I have been doing a little bit of travelling in our own back yard so to speak. After a couple of years work at home our trailer named the Square Stream was been on it's maiden journey which has been completed successfully. The journey started from the Overland Show at Stratford ( yes Iain that was the start )then south via Gloucester to the Exmoor Centre in (you've guessed) Exmoor where we enjoyed driving some of the local 'lanes' and tipped the Land rover on it's side then back north to Gloucester and finally to Donington Park Farm. We stayed there for 2 nights all on our lonesome - what a difference to 6 months ago - it was so quiet you could hear the birds singing and the owls hooting and even Ryanair and his colleagues passing over!!!!! Roll on next June is all I can say.
Sorry this isn't as exciting as 6 months in southern Africa but it was still travelling 
Sorry I haven't posted any pics but don't know how to on here.
Last edited by mrsgemini; 17 Oct 2013 at 21:15.
Reason: Addition