Don't all rush as it's Aldi's turn next week!
I've bought quite a bit of biking gear from the two of them over the last few years and as long as you buy with your eyes open there is some very good stuff on offer. Not particularly stylish but it can be very functional. Best without a shadow of a doubt has been Lidl's nylon overboots. They're only about £5.00 and they've made a huge difference to keeping my feet dry during day after day of riding in the rain. I've bought three pairs of them to try and make sure I can always find one!
I bought a £20 tank bag last year, again from Lidl and the first time I used it one of the zips broke. Within a week the two main zips broke as well so I took it back. They gave me a refund on the spot. I bought a pair of their lightweight touring boots two years ago intending to use them for just pootling around on one of my classic bikes on sunny days. They got used for the Elephant rally this year and survived the muck and bullets that was this year's trench warfare Elephant without leaking or falling to bits. Another bit of kit I've been very impressed with.
This year I'm looking for a pair of gloves as well. I'd happily set fire to my winter spec Halvarsson's if they weren't so wet the flames would never catch.
Last edited by backofbeyond; 27 Feb 2013 at 14:54.
Reason: word blindness - couldn't see I'd left half the sentence out