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Old 20 May 2009
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We always wondered if someone checked out the HUBB from LWR/D and now we find out Ollie's in their office. In fact weren't you in the episode of LWR where everyone's madly packing the two Mitsus?
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Old 20 May 2009
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Possible mate for Boorman's North Australia ride

Mr. O, I suggest (kiwiryder), JEFF CONDON who was featured in National Geographic's production called "The Ride." (Alaska-Patagonia, Argentina) "Van Man," Jeff owns a home in Australia and has already filmed a pilot for his own adventure series in Northern Australia. He knows Australia like Chris Scott knows the Sahara and he also knows Chris Scott.

Right now, Jeff is a guide for Globe Busters and is doing reconnaissance (preliminary surveying and research) in Tibet, or near Tibet with Kev of BMW and Globe Busters, for a future tour. He may be available?

Jeff is an exceptional world class adventure motorcyclist, machinist/welder/mechanic. He is very capable .... very smart, sensitive, easy going and humorous.

You can private message him via HU or Globe Busters. Good Luck and

Ride On, Ride Free xfiltrate
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Old 20 May 2009
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Very nice posts xfiltrate!
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Old 20 May 2009
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Thank you xfiltrate ! i will look into this.
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Old 22 May 2009
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So I guess the Long Way Up is out of the question and not going to happen any time soon?

Long Way round was very intertaining to watch. I watched it just after I've been through Africa and the Middle East myself, so could relate to many of the situations they faced in the series, and also know when things got a bit rediculos for the low budget traveller like myself.
By the time Long Way down came out I was more experienced in traveling and has been on the same roads they were on, and did not find it as interesting as the first one. The fact that they bust the rear shocks was also an indication of their lack of care for the bikes they did not even paid for. I did that road very carefully two-up and had no problems.

Anyway, they are in the intertaining bussiness and for them it is a job, rather than an adventure.

That's the way I see it.

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Old 23 May 2009
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I don't think there is anyone who is jealous/envious of these guys for having the great experience that they had. I wish I had the commitment/money to do it myself but I don't have either in abundance in respect of biking around the world therefore I'm quite happy with the European trips I'm fortunate to have the chance to do.

What irks me about them is the fact they grumbled too much about the shackles of filming etc. Yes, they're in the entertainment business and yes, they did entertain many people....... and will do so again if they have another trip, but if anyone should know about the pending restrictions of filming then it is them. They've been in the business long enough!

In LWR they spoke of their first meeting, their passion for bikes, their desire for bike journeys and their commitment to each other that they would do something together. Yet for 2 guys who wanted to chill out and ride bikes they still sold out to the fast buck when the chance came along. And that's what irks me!


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Old 23 May 2009
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Left Bank Gang or Big Balled Ferry Pilots?

Chris, please see my last post here: the Future of Adventure Motorcycling? ( 1 2) at the HU Bar. thanks
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Old 23 May 2009
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I had a look at that. And it looks like a very fine article indeed. I do not dispute that in any way. However it still doesn't change my view of Ewan and Thingy.

If I was in their position regarding time/money/conviction, and wanted to do something like their trip, I'd have taken time off work and went on the trip for my own personal gratification. They try to trade on the exposure for biking. I think they did it as much for self-exposure as anything else. If they hadn't moaned so much I'd have thought it was great exposure for bike touring. But they did....and as a result I don't.

There are people who will agree with my views and there are others who won't. Everyone has their own different reasons and who is to say who is right or wrong? This is clearly a case of "you like it or you don't"......and I don't. I'm quite sure you'll agree with me that this is the whole idea of discussion forums.


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Old 23 May 2009
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Whatever you say about Charley and Ewan ,you cannot deny that they are bike enthusiasts .
They managed to include their love of bikes in a business venture and how many of us would love to do that as well .
I've got a grudging respect for those guys because they are genuine blokes with all their faults and virtues on display ,for the world to see .

So I say Ewan and Charley ," Carry on Biking " , [ oh boy ,that's a horrible thought - another Carry On film ! ] .
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Old 25 May 2009
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Opinion appriciated

Originally Posted by Chris1200 View Post
Folks, it's just my opinion........

I personally couldn't care less if C+E never get on a bike again.

"We're hardcore," they say over and over again. And then they proceed to get everything handed to them for free, they get specialist SAS training to deal with bandits, they get "fixers" at every bend in the road, they ride through a river then describe it as "the biggest challenge of our lives", they have a tough 200 mile day then get a 5* hotel in which to recover, they camp out for a few nights then think they have almost become nomads of the land, they throw thespian tantrums with a few swear words to boot and they reckon they are "pioneers" for motorcycle travellers.

NO THEY AREN'T. They're 2 spoilt boys who happen to like bikes. Don't get me wrong, I am quite sure we would all jump at such a trip if given the chance and I have no gripe with them for taking advantage of the opportunities that have presented themselves. In fact, I would even go as far as to say....well done chaps, you manipulated your positions well.

But "hardcore" ?????
Not on your nelly, C+E, if you want "hardcore" just take a look at the guys who did Mondo Enduro and Terra Circa.........and lots of other people who submit their travel tales on sites such as this one (which doesn't include me by the way coz my bike travels have never gone outside Europe. But then I'm not claiming any titles either!). I'd like their shows much better and I'd respect them much more if they simply got on with the trips and stopped making reference to how they are experts, tough guys, macho men and whatever other ludicrous claims they make. Coz they really aren't any of these in comparison to other everyday bike travellers.

Like I said earlier......it's just my opinion, but I believe it's an opinion based on fact (and not jealousy!).

Everyone is entitled to their opinion. I for one don't agree with most of what you have said but that aside you cannot disagree with the fact that C+E, through their LW trips have inspires many folk to get on their bikes and travel. Not to mention what they have done for bike sales. And that is my opinion.
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Old 25 May 2009
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Domac 2000

You're as entitled to your opinion as anyone is to theirs. If you think it's correct then for you it is correct. It's the same for me too though, I think what I think. I don't doubt that they have entertained many people and there were many elements of what they did that appealed to many. Perhaps if I hadn't seen Mondo Enduro or Terra Circa I'd be of the same opinion.


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Old 25 May 2009
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Here's a thing:

I would be interested to hear where/how far all these people who slag off Ewan & Charley and/or the LWR series have actually travelled themselves?

Strikes me that if you'd ever travelled any distance yourselves, you should have a far more magnanimous view of others and of life in general?

Just a thought.

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Old 25 May 2009
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Ha ha JMo

I certainly don't claim to have done what they have done, in fact I made the point abundantly clear earlier that I'm happy with what I do, but that's got nothing to do with it sir. My points are nothing to do with their journeys, more the manner in which they did them.The opinion I give is my opinion when I compare them to other similar shows I have seen. In that respect they are very 2nd Division. In my opinion.

You clearly like Ewan and Thingy, good for you....but perhaps it's time to be less sensitive!


"Life is too short to drink cheap wine!"
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Old 25 May 2009
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I have seen both Mondo Enduro or Terra Circa and agree that they are more realistic and appear more "hardcore" but all I'll say is C+E have inspired a lot of folk to get riding
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Old 25 May 2009
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Originally Posted by Chris1200 View Post
Ha ha JMo

I certainly don't claim to have done what they have done, in fact I made the point abundantly clear earlier that I'm happy with what I do, but that's got nothing to do with it sir. My points are nothing to do with their journeys, more the manner in which they did them.The opinion I give is my opinion when I compare them to other similar shows I have seen. In that respect they are very 2nd Division. In my opinion.

You clearly like Ewan and Thingy, good for you....but perhaps it's time to be less sensitive!

Ah, I actually agree (or at least empathise) with a lot of your criticisms of the show/s - although I would take issue regarding LWR, the first series was a well put together and balanced piece of entertainment I thought?

It was more a general comment aimed at the quite high proportion of people on the HUBB that seem to join in the E&C bashing? - I'd have thought most people involved with the HUBB and traveling would be less judgemental, that's all?

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