COLORADO riders, we need your input
So, I was just appointed to the CDOT Motorcycle Operator Safety Advisory Board as the member who represents the motorcycle community as a whole. This is what I get for showing up to things lol. That being said, I need to know what you folks think the MOST fund should be used for.
The MOST program is paid for by Colorado M endorsements on licenses and a small fee per motorcycle/scooter registration and earns about $800,000/year in revenue. The program promotes motorcycle safety awareness, does studies on all motorcycle accidents in Colorado, and provides vendors who provide motorcycle training a rebate per student who takes a safety class. The rebates for 2013 were as follows: $70.00 for each student in the Basic Rider Course, $50.00 for each student in the BRC 2 Course, $200.00 for each student in the RiderCoach Preparation Course and $50.00 for each student in the RiderCoach Instructor updates. 15% of the fund is kept for administration costs, 20% is held back for if a new vendor joins the MOST program or if a vendor has more training than projected, 10% is used for the motorcycle safety campaign (ie the CDOT signs and the safety billboards) and the rest is supposed to be used to give Colorado residents a break on tuition. It is the tuition that is the most controversial.
So, what say you all? How should the money be used?