I think I'm going Mad..... disappear posts
Now I know I'm going mad. A couple of days ago I responded to a post like many did that day   but now can't find it or the responces I made. I have looked through my account history and nothing, I even checked my profile on Adv rider, BUT the post has gone, disappeared,vanished,   :helpsmilie :.
The post was from a couple of under grads wanting equipment, donations.. to do resurch on some form of mental illness and they wanted BMW GSAs Money and alsorts.. I also remember we pointed a few things out to them about thier pitch..
Please help..... Have I finally gone mad/ suffering from some mental break down???? If so they can do thier resurch on me.. would save them a fortune and they could stay in the UK and save their money......:confused1::confused1:
Oneworld Biker.
To old to die young. To young to care..
Around the world on a Goldwing and a prayer. (Unless I have gone totally Mad)
Last edited by oneworldbiker; 13 Jun 2010 at 18:36.