I think that guy will find his Rig is nothing but a HUGE liability once out on the road ... a Royal PITA. Maintaining such a rig on the road is lots of work. Having travelled in Motor Homes some ... I can confirm this.
Met several sets of folks traveling in such rigs ... Germans in UniMog's, and Americans in HUGE motorhomes/travel buses. The Americans travel in "wagon trains", 30 - 40 rigs all in a row. One time they all stopped at a Pemex in Baja ... it took 6 hours for them all to fill up (these rigs hold around 100 us gallons ea) ... and they ran the station out of fuel! NICE!  We talked our way in front of them and got the few liters we needed for our bikes. They were headed to a big camp ground ... where they would stay 3 weeks ... and mostly stay drunk ... then drive back to USA and Canada. To each his own I guess!
None I saw were set up like the Over The Top rig shown above. A well set up UniMog can cost around $250,000 usd and is quite capable off road. US made motor home or luxury Bus go for round $100,000 to $150,000 usd and can't even go a meter off road.
Ran into the UniMog German couple a few times in Mexico. They did not appear happy. Prisoners of the Rig, fearful, hated the Mexicans and afraid to leave the Rig and go exploring on foot ... and fearful to travel far off road without an escort.
They rarely ate meals outside the UniMog or explored towns and villages on foot. They were OK at big organized camp grounds set up for big motorhomes ... but many areas these facilities don't exist or few and far between. IMHO, not a good plan for travel. OK in Kansas or Nevada, not so much in Baja.
Parking the rig and getting through cities become a nightmare ... and a liability. People will hit you just because they know they can lie and get a BIG payday from the rich Gringos.