I must say in all honesty I don't think I would if I could.
I've done the caravan thing around the UK when the kids were small. It was a PITA even then even if you take out the "kids" from the equation. It's not the same I know, but its a big "thing" to loaf around in and get from A-B
Since converting to a bike and a tent ( occasional hotel ) the sense of adventure is 100 times more. And I can't imagine going backwards, which to me it would be.
The wife and I camped in Croatia for a couple of days and our neighbours came in a huge truck thing ( see pic. ) It look impressive. They packed up and left 3hrs in front of us. Later that day we passed them on the road flat out going up hill at what seemed like a crawl.
I too thought of the fuel consumption as we breezed passed with the warm air and sun on or face down the coast road.
A pic of us on the left them on the right.
Regards Tim
Learning my craft for the big stuff, it won't be long now and it's not that far anyway