I swear my Tourettes is getting worse.
Thanks to those who helped me find the English translation of ‘beaucoup’, - it means a lot.
WIFE: “I’m leaving! I can’t take any more frog puns.”
ME: “Sorry, I know they can be a tad polarizing.”
WIFE: “See!”
ME: “That’s a toadal overreaction.”
Self-defence tip: If you’re attacked by street performers, go straight for the juggler.
Maternity ward:
MIDWIFE: “I suggest epidural anaesthesia.”
ME: “Thanks, but we’ve already picked a name.”
The prize for the ‘Most Garlicky Breath’ this year will be awarded post-hummusly.
DEAR DEIRDRE, It upsets me watching ‘Game of Thrones’ with my parents, with all that sex going on?
DEAR WORRIED, Just ignore them & turn the sound up?
I was very embarrassed when I took the wrong factor sun cream on holiday. Boy, was my face red!
I’ve created a webpage for glaucoma sufferers.
It’s a site for sore eyes.
Limerick Man tweets:
There’s something I’m glad to confess,
My musical is a success.
Picture the scene,
Welsh dog with the queen.
I’m calling it ‘Corgi and Bess’.
My wife said if she finds me on a pоrn site again, she’ll bang my head against the fúсkіng keyboarcchhijdd&asdfjkluvngggdtjksfnjkqwetyrb!w
An ice-cream van drove into the back of my car yesterday. I think I’ve got Mr Whippylash.
3 things I learned today:
1. What my fiancé actually wanted was to see me in a sports bar.
2. I’m dyslexic
3. I look great in a sports bra.
FARM BOSS: “There’s a report you’re stealing cow manure for your garden.”
ME: “That’s bullѕhít.”
BOSS: “We prefer the technical term but you’re still fired.”
This Mars bar says it’s “made in a factory where nuts are handled.” I don’t mind what they do in their breaks as long as they wash their hands.
“My wife’s gone to Oslo.”
“Yes way!”
I want a camper van. The one I’ve got isn’t camp enough.
In Ann Summers:
“Is this the biggest vіbrаtor you sell?”
“Madam, that’s my thermos flask.”
“Yeah, whatever, I’ll take two.
I don’t understand voluntary work. I wouldn’t work for nothing if you paid me.
ANGEL: “I think you should stop designing now. You’ve had a lot to drink.”
GOD: “Stop fussing, I’m fine. What’s next?”
ANGEL: “A platypus.”
GOD: “Cool. Let’s do this.”
Pre-natal Baby Scan:
Nurse: “Want me to tell you the sex?”
Me: “Nah, we’re pretty sure it was that night after the rugby club dance.”
I first met my wife on the Net. We were both rubbish trapeze artists.
My addiction to helter-skelters is spiralling out of control.
“Dad’s away píѕѕіng it up at a Scottish football do at Fir Park.”
“Fine, but she’s hopping mad at the old man.”
“No, I am NOT pleased to see you and it’s NOT a lip salve in my pocket you cheeky bítch.”
Firing Squad
(Bullets go everywhere, condemned man untouched)
SERGEANT: “Dammit, it’s ‘aim’, I forgot to say ‘aim’ again.”
I went to a launch party for a range cooker where the staff wore black lace and handed out pineapples and ground coffee.
It was an Aga do.
WAITER: “Are you kidding me? You’re only leaving me a 5p tip?”
ME: “I only enjoyed the lettuce, so that’s just the tip of the iceberg.”
She sells sea shells on the sea shore…where they’re FREE and READILY AVAILABLE. Shít business model,- you’re fired.
Lord Sugar to Apprentice.
NEIGHBOUR: “How was the holiday?”
ME: “Lovely. Are you going away?”
NEIGHBOUR: “We’re skiing in Switz…”
ME: “No, I mean will you please fúсk off.”
Whenever I’m in a Chinese restaurant, I always ask for the fortune cookie first. Just in case it says anything about food poisoning.
Poll for the Ladies:
Have you ever faked an оrgаѕm?
a) No
b) Yes
c) YES!
I tried to impress a girl by putting my foot down hard on the pedal. Turned out she’d seen a bin open like that before.
ME: “Waitress, can I ask you something about the menu please?”
WAITRESS: “The men I please are none of your damn business!”
“If I’m guilty of anything, your honour, it’s that I care too much for others. That, and embezzlement….

“My mum burnt her bra in the 60s.”
“Part of the feminist movement?”
“No, chip pan fire.”
Somebody said there’s a photo of a real vampire in today’s newspapers, but I can’t see it in the Mirror.
ME: “I’m terrified speaking in public.”
THERAPIST: “Just imagine they’re naked.”
(Later, on stage)
ME: “…any questions? Yes, you with the weird díck.”
Willie Nelson, - great singer, devastating wrestling hold.
Last night I made a Belgian waffle. Today I made a Frenchman talk bóllосks.
My Prawn Madras just spoke to me saying, “Your thoughts on the Syrian conflict are banal and imperialist at best.” (Indian food has never agreed with me).