Need some wise advice!!
First of all.
Hi to all fellow travelers.
this my short silly story:
I have ment to do a trip from Auz to Holland 3 years ago...
In my landcruiser 47 series...
But... things happend.., never really got the time to finish the car... .. and decided to ship it over to Indonesia.. thinking that I don't need a Carnet for that..
Indonesia was not on the list of countries on the Carnet form that I still have from few years ago.
since I want to do some work on the car just to get it done as I wanted for my travels... I even found a good workshop that is specialized in this cars in central Java.
And my Visa unfortunately ended in Auz. It will cost me all my traveling money to get a new one.
So... my problem: my car is on the boat on the way to Jakarta with no Carnet
To get an Australian Carnet I need the car to be in Australia for Australian road worthy test and insurance. (Rego)
But that is gonna be bit hard to do now....
Just wondering if: any one knows.. if I can get an European Carnet even when when my car is in SE Asia??
Or any other ways of getting my car with no worries from Indonesian customs without paying ridiculous amount of money.