Number plates
The Wee has no where to put a GB sticker  . I will be using soft bags, so the one on the old TT boxes is no more  . I am therefore considering getting a number plate (that's a license plate to the colonials  ) that includes said international requirement.
Do not fear, said plate will have the required spacing, layout etc. so will be 99% legal. There is however a line of text to go at the bottom where the dealer might put his details (this helps bike thieves BTW), or where the normal purchasers of such plates can put a bit of a logo or joke ("my other toy has ***s" , "Built by engineers, ridden by a ****", "The traffic police are all ******s" and so forth).
However, I'm a practical person. On the Bonneville I'd have had the tyre pressures but Suzuki fit a sticker. Maybe I could include my ICE telephone number? My blood group?
Suggestions however daft are appreciated and you may even get yours in print!