The books of Lois Pryce are all great reads - especially "Red Tape and White Knuckles", which must be read after "Lois on the Loose" to get the real sense.
Not directly relevant, but a must read for any motorcycle nomad. "The art of maintaining a motorcycle" - more really about Zen Buddhism than motorcycle travel - but it is very unlikely that it will not have an impact on how you think about motorcycles, bikers, and motorcycle travel.
Emilio Scotto "The longest Ride" is a good read. Spending 10 years traversing every single country in the world on a gold wing - surely he must have something of value to convey?
Chris Scott was mentioned - and I agree.
There are of course lots of books which have nothing to do about motorcycles or travel directly, but which will give you cultural or geographical insights to be enjoyed massively when you get there, or after you have been there. If you plan to pass through Botswana for instance, then "The Women's Detective Agency" series will be very entertaining for sure!
I also recommend Lonely Planet (or the likes of it), for every country you plan to visit.