Welcome to the HUBB...
The blue bar thingys at the top of the page are like 'our' FAQ section... the bit you should read is "ON THE ROAD" then shipments ... while you re there sample the rest of the blue bar things .. lots of info there.
The HUBB is like a discussion forum.. the 'Pub' section is not for useful content - just a social get together like you'd have at a pub.
So where to put your post? umm 4WD section? Does the vehicle fit in a normal shipping container? The shipment cost will be large, and cost from India to Oz will be almost the same as to Malaysia... just so you know and can consider it. It certainly will be a lot less than the shipping costs of India to Malaysia plus later Malaysia to Oz!
I take it he is importing the vehicle to Oz? And has/is obtaining permission to do that, and investigated registering it there in Oz? (they are two different processes!)