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Old 23 Nov 2015
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Originally Posted by jc_bromley View Post
Gotta agree with docksherlock, I've been riding for >30 years on a number of different marques. Today it happens to be a GSA. I've had roadside help on a number of occasions and in return I've given it. It's not about the bike it's about the mentality of the person riding it, If a GS(A) rides on past you then please assume that the rider is a jerk, not ALL GS(A) riders.....
Certainly not all jerks. I ride with several BMW GS guys, have done over 20 years. Part of why some riders won't stop to help is they see two or three riders already pulled over and figure broke down bike/rider has plenty of help. Fair enough.

But on rare occasion I've been passed when solo. Usually I wasn't broke down and never waved the rider over and didn't have helmet on side of road (universal sign for help), so I'll cut slack there. But must say, we've had more Harley guys stop than any other brand. No idea why.

Problem sometimes happens with big groups of bikes ... BMW or any brand. They're in their own world, don't always stop to help others because they want keep up with the ride. (I've done this)

I would avoid over-analyzing all this ... everyone's perceptions are different, usually subjective, not based on fact. When it really counts ALL riders help.
(like at crash site ... I've been on scene at dozens )
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Old 25 Nov 2015
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Originally Posted by docsherlock View Post
There would appear to be more than a few HUBB members who feel that varying degrees of dishonesty are acceptable; I don't know about towels, but I seem to read of theft, fraud and hooky documentation with recommendations about how to do it quite regularly.

I'm not sure generalizing about riders of particular marques is helpful; what you have written sounds like inverted snobbery or class envy (also quite prevalent on this site from time to time) and it has driven away at least one very interesting contributor who just plain got cheesed off with it.

I think Grant & Susan rode a BMW, Tiffany Coates rides one and also a number of other folk who would probably help a stranded rider. Have I made my point yet?

I see it on other sites as well, I'm on a Toyota Hilux site and some of the guys with older trucks give the newer trucks flak. I don't understand it, it doesn't happen the other way round. If you have a nice shiny new motor you wouldn't take the piss out of someone with an older one. Maybe it's envy, maybe inverted snobbery, maybe it's parochialism, maybe they're just cocks, who knows!
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Old 26 Nov 2015
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Originally Posted by docsherlock View Post
There would appear to be more than a few HUBB members who feel that varying degrees of dishonesty are acceptable; I don't know about towels, but I seem to read of theft, fraud and hooky documentation with recommendations about how to do it quite regularly.

I'm not sure generalizing about riders of particular marques is helpful; what you have written sounds like inverted snobbery or class envy (also quite prevalent on this site from time to time) and it has driven away at least one very interesting contributor who just plain got cheesed off with it.

I think Grant & Susan rode a BMW, Tiffany Coates rides one and also a number of other folk who would probably help a stranded rider. Have I made my point yet?
I thought I had heard it all, but 'inverted snobbery' was good for a few chuckles. I have owned 3 gsa's and am perfectly fine with the stereotype because it is true a lot of the time. There will always be exceptions. There are plenty of good people who ride R1200's. They are the type of people who would never think about terms like 'class envy' or 'inverted snobbery.'
http://www.journeyrider.net Latin America blog (07-8)
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Old 26 Nov 2015
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An observation

At the Hubb Pub, more often than not, the topic does not seem to matter as much as the chronic emotional state of those who post. We have the enthusiastic and the serene, we have the bored and we have the antagonistic. We have those in grief over some emotional or physical loss and we have the apathetic, who once and a while get it together enough to scribble a few lines.

As I roam the various posts of certain individuals - no matter if the topic is BMWs, border crossings or routes, some hubbers exhibit the same emotion over and over and over again. The antagonistic ones keep antagonizing, the bored ones, when able to post emit boredom, and hostile ones continue their hostility.

How about this for an idea, each one reviews a random sample of his/her posts and determines if there is a chronic or prevailing emotion being exhibited more often than not, and in the very next post try to respond without that emotion. Try to leave your chronic state behind and deal with the issue as honestly as possible.

Just an idea.

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Old 27 Nov 2015
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Why do preachers always have the craziest children? Diversity is what makes life great in my opinion. The world is full of different characters. If it was not, it would probably be a pretty boring place. Take a guy who moves down to Argentina because he seeks a life with less corruption and dishonesty.
http://www.journeyrider.net Latin America blog (07-8)
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Old 27 Nov 2015
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Shitty behaviour on board?

I find it amazing how people are filling this thread with an almost harsh debate that by now have 3 pages and 35 post when the OP only have wrote ones and just to provoke other forum member for personal concerns.

On same regards I wonder myself who is this guy who as a newbie here on the HUBB (registered Oct 2015) believes to have rights for judges others when he keeps as much anonymous he believes he can, without introduce himself as a “polite” way of begin a relationship with others members here..
Dakar Motos “ ”
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Old 27 Nov 2015
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However Javier, that original poster could have come to that conclusion just by reading the posts on this or most other forums. Equally possible is he is an experienced traveller who had just found the HUBB and joined up.
If you have a look at all of his posts there is enough evidence of enough traveling to be able to have a valid opinion
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Old 28 Nov 2015
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It can happen anywhere apparently

Post number 4 in the link indicates some sh1tty behaviour within the HUBB.
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Old 28 Nov 2015
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Originally Posted by Tony LEE View Post
However Javier, that original poster could have come to that conclusion just by reading the posts on this or most other forums. Equally possible is he is an experienced traveller who had just found the HUBB and joined up.
If you have a look at all of his posts there is enough evidence of enough traveling to be able to have a valid opinion
Also is possible that he is an experienced troll who have/had multiple personalities (or member nicknames), alternating posting few useful information with violent and offensive provocations and had been multiple times banned here for have a shitty behaviour with many HU members by other posts and many nasties private messages.
Maybe it’s me who is paranoid and see waterfoxes where is dry….
Dakar Motos “ ”
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Old 28 Nov 2015
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Originally Posted by Walkabout View Post
Post number 4 in the link indicates some sh1tty behaviour within the HUBB.
What bad behavior are you seeing? Because someone emailed seller saying they thought price was too high? I don't see anything unusual there.

The seller may not be happy but that's all part of the selling/buying game, yes?
But he should keep those exchanges to himself ... it makes him look like an ass.

(PS: I DO see sellers point, as that KTM looks like a GOOD deal to me! But scroungers are everywhere, bottom feeding)

What's NOT being said is how does title transfer take place ... ????
and THAT gets back to some of the issues we've been discussing here.

Should buyer pay Argentine govt. HALF the value of the bike in import duties, then wait 6 months to buy bike "legally"?

Perhaps best not to discuss "methods", someone may call the Aduana police on you! SHAME ON YOU bad foreigners!

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Old 28 Nov 2015
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Originally Posted by gatogato View Post
Take a guy who moves down to Argentina because he seeks a life with less corruption and dishonesty.
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Old 28 Nov 2015
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Originally Posted by javkap View Post
Also is possible that he is an experienced troll who have/had multiple personalities (or member nicknames), alternating posting few useful information with violent and offensive provocations and had been multiple times banned here for have a shitty behaviour with many HU members by other posts and many nasties private messages.
Maybe it’s me who is paranoid and see waterfoxes where is dry….
Perhaps, but no evidence seen in 35 posts, so regardless of whether true or not, perhaps your concerns might better be directed to the forum owners than aired on open forum.
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Old 28 Nov 2015
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The moral maze continues

Originally Posted by mollydog View Post
What bad behavior are you seeing? Because someone emailed seller saying they thought price was too high? I don't see anything unusual there.
See post number 5 in that for sale thread.
There was no asking price declared up to the post number 4.

There is "anger" in the thread - the seller's word, not mine (refer back to Xfiltrate's perceptive post above).

Originally Posted by mollydog View Post

Should buyer pay Argentine govt. HALF the value of the bike in import duties, then wait 6 months to buy bike "legally"?
The last time I looked Argentina is still a sovereign government that has a right to set it's own laws.
It remains a case of "when in Rome, etc etc".
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Old 28 Nov 2015
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Originally Posted by Walkabout View Post
See post number 5 in that for sale thread.
There was no asking price declared up to the post number 4.

There is "anger" in the thread - the seller's word, not mine (refer back to Xfiltrate's perceptive post above).
Anger? He spoke about an email he received that was angry ... not that HE was angry.

No one has seen said emails ... nothing going on at all, just a bit of frustration far as I can see.
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Old 28 Nov 2015
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Originally Posted by xfiltrate View Post
How about this for an idea, each one reviews a random sample of his/her posts and determines if there is a chronic or prevailing emotion being exhibited more often than not, and in the very next post try to respond without that emotion. Try to leave your chronic state behind and deal with the issue as honestly as possible.

Just an idea.

How does one accurately evaluate and analyze their own writing objectively?
Maybe you could do it for us? What's your hourly rate Doc?

"respond without that emotion"? News Flash! This is a moto travel discussion forum where all sorts of opinions and EMOTIONS are presented ... and I thought welcomed (maybe I'm wrong on that? ) ... it's these elements that makes things interesting. (some emotion ... not over the top)

Without some emotion and strong opinions there would be no interest raised thus no participation. DEAD.

HUBB is already dying a slow death, one reason is because so many things are Banned from discussion ... as if riders won't encounter extremely controversial political situations crossing through regions engulfed in civil war (Oh, but don't bring it up here ... never mention history!) ... or have seen UNSPEAKABLE things in person (Oh, but don't mention it here ... might OFFEND someone!)
... are you suggesting even further emasculation of the forum? I did hear they were looking for a new moderator... applying for the job?

Well presented, reasonable opinion does not mean attacking others, using cheap-shot innuendo or rumor mongering hyperbole. Emotion is good if well expressed (within reason). Makes for good reading and discussion. Who knows, we might learn something. Isn't that why you're here? ... and PS ... don't forget HUMOR! God knows we need more of it!

If someone goes on too much of a rant ... most readers TUNE OUT. Start banning every little rant or opinion and what've ya got? I say let it all play out.

"Chronic state"? What are you trying to say here Doctor?

Another wake up call: honesty only goes so far on an on line forum.
How deep you wanna go here?

This thread is about bad behavior on the road. We've all seen it, been guilty of it or know about it ... or bailed Aussies out of jail because of it!
(and that last bit is the honest truth!)

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