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Old 28 Nov 2015
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Originally Posted by ex-xt View Post
Here the mood is a bit too much anglo saxon trad'
Good to have alternative views! Travelling without them would loose some of its appeal.

Originally Posted by ex-xt View Post
There is a good reason why I should NOT go to the usa for example,
Yes. I look at it this way ... where would 'we' put Americans if there was no USA. Or Russians, French, Ozies etc....

'We' all have our own places ...
Having said that ... there is a large difference between what 'we' perceive people of a certain nationality to be compared to what actually exists there. Having been to Russia in the communist era and seen my preconceptions fall apart, I think you, ex-xt, can safely go to the usa
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Old 28 Nov 2015
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Originally Posted by ex-xt View Post
Here the mood is a bit too much anglo saxon trad'
Is there any equivalent using French?
(I have a number of friends resident there but none of them ride, other than pedal cycles).
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Old 28 Nov 2015
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Originally Posted by mollydog View Post
... nothing going on at all, just a bit of frustration far as I can see.
One guy wants to sell a bike on a sub-forum that is devoted to that very process.
Another guy shows an amount of interest in buying it.

................. read the thread to see what happens next.
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Old 29 Nov 2015
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Originally Posted by ex-xt View Post
@walkabout, as far as I know, there is nothing like this forum here in France .
There are fora specialized : some bikes DR; DRZ, XT, KLR ahah and so on , 4WD and so that contain subjects about travelling .
As I thought.
The HUBB has a certain Je ne sais quoi,non?
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Old 30 Nov 2015
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xfiltrate responds to mollydog

""respond without that emotion"? News Flash! This is a moto travel discussion forum where all sorts of opinions and EMOTIONS are presented ... and I thought welcomed (maybe I'm wrong on that? ) ... it's these elements that makes things interesting. (some emotion ... not over the top)" by mollydog....

Mollydog, I never said or even insinuated that anyone should respond without emotion, please revisit my post that you so disagree with and discover that it is only the display of the chronic emotion that I am opposed.

For example, all I have to do is realize who is posting, and for those of who I was speaking - not you mollydog, by the way, I can tell you the emotional state that will be displayed in the post - without even reading the post. You see some people are just stuck in being antagonistic, some stuck in boredom some are chronically angry, some happy or enthusiastic , some interested in others and some just apathetic....... etc etc etc, to make the HUBB more interesting I am suggesting people post in a variety of emotions as opposed to the same emotional response every time over and over and over again.

And, I have an idea that those who are continually antagonistic or some other absolutely inappropriate for the situation emotion like hostility or anger - when there are many other emotions available to them that can be displayed on the HUBB, probably display that chronic emotion when visiting foreign countries and, if their chronic emotional state is anger, antagonism, hostility, this is how they will treat foreigners they meet during their over landing. OK?

This is not to say that there are not appropriate situations that do call for an angry response, but these are few and far between and seldom necessary in the HUBB PUB. Only those who are chronically in negative emotions themselves enjoy reading posts by others who are also hanging out in the negative emotions.

We are now entering an area that might explain why some people act so poorly when visiting foreign countries.... let's go deeper....

xfiltrate says eat , drink and come visit us on the west coast of Mexico. rosa del desierto is here too!

- PM me if interested in a dos xx "" on us and a little surf fishing....

Last edited by xfiltrate; 30 Nov 2015 at 15:57.
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Old 30 Nov 2015
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xfiltrate - this is quite an insightful post IMHO and could be extended to incorporate many aspects of interaction on these fora....not just poor behavior abroad.....

Originally Posted by xfiltrate View Post
""respond without that emotion"? News Flash! This is a moto travel discussion forum where all sorts of opinions and EMOTIONS are presented ... and I thought welcomed (maybe I'm wrong on that? ) ... it's these elements that makes things interesting. (some emotion ... not over the top)" by mollydog....

Mollydog, I never said or even insinuated that anyone should respond without emotion, please revisit my post that you so disagree with and discover that it is only the display of the chronic emotion that I am opposed.

For example, all I have to do is realize who is posting, and for those of who I was speaking - not you mollydog, by the way, I can tell you the emotional state that will be displayed in the post - without even reading the post. You see some people are just stuck in being antagonistic, some stuck in boredom some are chronically angry, some happy or enthusiastic , some interested in others and some just apathetic....... etc etc etc, to make the HUBB more interesting I am suggesting people post in a variety of emotions as opposed to the same emotional response every time over and over and over again.

And, I have an idea that those who are continually antagonistic or some other absolutely inappropriate for the situation emotion like hostility or anger - when there are many other emotions available to them that can be displayed on the HUBB, probably display that chronic emotion when visiting foreign countries and, if their chronic emotional state is anger, antagonism, hostility, this is how they will treat foreigners they meet during their over landing. OK?

This is not to say that there are not appropriate situations that do call for an angry response, but these are few and far between and seldom necessary in the HUBB PUB. Only those who are chronically in negative emotions themselves enjoy reading posts by others who are also hanging out in the negative emotions.

We are now entering an area that might explain why some people act so poorly when visiting foreign countries.... let's go deeper....

xfiltrate says eat , drink and come visit us on the west coast of Mexico. rosa del desierto is here too!

- PM me if interested in a dos xx "" on us and a little surf fishing....
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Old 30 Nov 2015
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Originally Posted by xfiltrate View Post
We are now entering an area that might explain why some people act so poorly when visiting foreign countries.... let's go deeper....

xfiltrate says eat , drink and come visit us on the west coast of Mexico. rosa del desierto is here too!

- PM me if interested in a dos xx "" on us and a little surf fishing....
Ok, now your post makes more sense!
Hey, thanks for the invite!

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Old 1 Dec 2015
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This thread seems to be gaining some notoriety - good. Motorcyclists from Turkey to Tucson and beyond post on the HUBB and in IMHO (in my humble opinion) 90% or more of the posts are respectful and many even express admiration for others, their travels, or their observations. There are far more likes than dislikes.

Perhaps 8% of the posts are a bit unmannerly - and these are generally written in response to the less than 2% that seem to be fighting some old battle, suffering from some old loss, drunk or stoned, etc. Resolving old pain whether it be emotional or physical is a great start to being polite.

Based on my observations of thousands of encounters with those visiting or residing in a country other than their own, the above percentages seem to equally apply to those who exhibit, "shitty behavior abroad."

Now, the question becomes "why do some people remain stuck in a negative emotion that colors all that they observe and communicate?" It might well be they are actually stuck in some past incident, maybe even stuck in a past life incident (but I will not go there here). Seeing that past time and place and feeling the pain of that past time and place....Viewing the world while in a negative emotional state, because you are stuck in some past painful incident will bias your observations.

Of course, there exist, and I have met many, people who are stuck in a happy euphoria that has less to do with reality than the substances they consume, or they are like the Delhai Lama - truly enlightened. Does he always seem to be smiling to you to0?

A possible solution that might prevent "shitty behavior abroad" or posts in poor tastes seems to be only exhibiting appropriate emotional responses to each and every situation situation, whether it be behavior abroad or posting here.

Appropriate emotional responses might be very different cross culturally and what appears appropriate to a good ol cowboy from Arizona may be very offensive to a good ol gaucho on the Papas. Cross cultural misunderstanding probably explains the majority of "shitty behaviors abroad," excluding those drunk on their butts, etc.

Of couse the solution to is to drink less. The solution to understanding other cultures visited is more complicated. First, know that good manners are universal, and even if your manners are not the same as "their" manners most people generally understand when someone is trying their best not to offend.

And, second learn as much as you can as quickly as you can about each country and the people you visit.

Other opinions very welcome,

eat, Drink, but not too much, and be polite

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Old 1 Dec 2015
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A request

[QUOTE=ex-xt;522574]TO be clearer ; often westerners with high standard of leaving at a level of direction , with a few knowledge of whatever ever-is-not-useful ( for them ; philosophy, anthropology, any thing in -y oh yes hard science too ) : in my area which is little , mostly middle north of UE.
Point two in a forum we need a minimum of contradiction . Socrate said so.
It is my point .

xfiltrate's reply to ex-xt:

ex-xt, I apologize, but I am just not getting your point. I have read your post many times and trying my best but to no avail.

Could you possibly be a little clearer beginning with the sentence that begins "TO be clearer" quoted above....


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Old 1 Dec 2015
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Suggestion for ex-xt from xfiltrate

Upon not receiving a response to my request that you be a little clearer beginning with the sentence that begins "To be clearer"

I believe a little exercise specifically tailored for you might be helpful.

Please watch the video featuring
rosa del desierto and myself

Overland Fitness 2 video on You Tube:


And, if you are still unclear please watch our other three Overland Fitness videos found here:

Overland Fitness Videos

These videos might be very helpful to you, especially Overland Fitness 2

Eat, Drink and be clearer

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Old 2 Dec 2015
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Originally Posted by ex-xt View Post
. . .
I will just say one thing .
Here the mood is a bit too much anglo saxon trad'
Just you should know about it . No harm for me .

There is a good reason why I should NOT go to the usa for example, nothing to do with this forum neither the bike . . .
wtf does that have to do with anything? "anglo-saxons" don't have the monopoly on having a fair share of assholes. USA is more than just "Anglo-Saxon" but if you find it so offensive then by all means ... don't visit.
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Old 2 Dec 2015
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Theres no excuse for things like stealing towels, but I can say that some places on this Earth are just not set up to play by the rules . . . as in impossible to play by the rules . . . you wouldn't even be able to do it if you wanted to and tried to.

Originally Posted by Churchill View Post
I find it amazing how people are willing to commit fraud, eg: selling bike and reporting it stolen; ignore laws (insurance?) and generally disrespect the country (ies) in which they are guests, yet if someone did that in their own countries they would be horrified. And it only makes life harder for the next traveller going through. I have been refused a room because the last bike traveller had gone off with the towels.

There is a guy from the forum going around Argentina and Brasil with an "offensively" loud exhaust pipe and he even gets a "like"

Its not that the locals don't give a shit its that most of the time they are too polite to say something.

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Old 2 Dec 2015
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OK ok I try to be clear ( not easy and surely my english is not good enough ) .

point 1( Gr ) no harm against any kind of people . If this forum is very anglo saxon it is because a lot af travellers are . no other reason . Ant there are differences of culture with UEns , south americans, chinese, indians for what i know . some have understood

Point 2 (xfitrate ) (here is 2 in the morning and so I was sleeping before ! just a coincidence i am up now )
Nice vids'
But i dont want to be too much affirmative about people of a type that are much more in this "case" than others kinds .
I am positive for paragliidng in Spain or touring in Australia for what I have seen not for the rest , precisions in PM if you want .

Any forum need good conttradictors and i like this one . For the moment .
from the book " tourists and travellers" :
" One is always the tourist of an other who feels a "traveller"
Eof in general

Last edited by ex-xt; 2 Dec 2015 at 03:25. Reason: grammar
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Old 2 Dec 2015
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Merci, thank you for being you


Merci, you have clarified your position to me and without empirical evidence at hand I agree with you. Here, I have dealt in generalities - and perhaps it takes a Frenchman like you to keep it real. Thank you for your observations and your kind words about our Overland Fitness videos.

Eat, Drink and listen to the French, they are the true diplomats of a cruel world

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Old 2 Dec 2015
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In short some people are wanxxrs, colour, creed or nationality makes no difference, I am of the opinion that thirty years of dealing with such people on a daily basis gives me the right tor make such a sweeping statement people that have worked in public service may well agree with the above eg Spanishbiker
Fortunately now I am retired I get to tell them to fxxx off, which I can do in a number of languages, whose says travel doesn't broaden the mind
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