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View Poll Results: Should Britain leave the E.U. ?
Yes 109 50.00%
No 46 21.10%
No.. But things MUST change 38 17.43%
I don't care 14 6.42%
Undecided 11 5.05%
Voters: 218. This poll is closed

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Old 10 Jun 2016
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In Der Spiegel interview German finance minister rules out Britain’s chances of enjoying bloc benefits from outside EU

This is a really interesting point - as mentioned previously, if Britain were to vote Brexit and it would not be tenable for the UK to have further access to the common market, given if it did, like Norway, it would have to uncontionlaly accept most of the EU rules and regulations. Otherwise it would not be democratic. Why are people voting Brexit again?
Old 10 Jun 2016
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Originally Posted by ridetheworld View Post
None of that answered the question! None of it was relevant?
Seems to be a common theme of spamming the HuBB with irrelevant posts and links.

Anyway everyones forgotten the 3rd option

Old 10 Jun 2016
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Originally Posted by TheWarden View Post
Seems to be a common theme of spamming the HuBB with irrelevant posts and links.

Anyway everyones forgotten the 3rd option

I considered posting that about a week ago, but desisted.
I recall that someone or other is looking for the culprits with a sense of humour.

Of course, men (young ones anyway) are always looking out for the beaver.

Last edited by Walkabout; 10 Jun 2016 at 18:20.
Old 10 Jun 2016
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I'm enjoying some of the posts on this thread, even though it's outside of the normal non-political remit of HUBB, but it's important that when you disagree with something you 'play the ball, not the player'. By all means politely disagree with a post and present an alternative view but calling fellow HUBBers rude names is just not on.
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Old 10 Jun 2016
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Originally Posted by ridetheworld View Post
In Der Spiegel interview German finance minister rules out Britain’s chances of enjoying bloc benefits from outside EU

This is a really interesting point - as mentioned previously, if Britain were to vote Brexit and it would not be tenable for the UK to have further access to the common market, given if it did, like Norway, it would have to uncontionlaly accept most of the EU rules and regulations. Otherwise it would not be democratic. Why are people voting Brexit again?
Back on the economic tack, "well, he would say that wouldn't he" but he is also quoted, separately, to the effect that Germany would cut a trade deal with the UK asap after a Brexit vote so as to protect the German car manuf industry.

This is him, by the way:-
I referenced a day or two ago what the German (lack of) balance of payments is doing to the rest of Europe, and the Eurozone in particular.
Here is the more technical description:-

As it happens, Herr S is ignoring international treaties of the WTO.

The broad theme contained above is known as "moral hazard" - well worth a bit of research for anyone who is interested and has the time.

Last edited by Walkabout; 10 Jun 2016 at 15:35. Reason: "Broad theme" added
Old 10 Jun 2016
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None of the graffiti artists round here could spell that. I blame the politicians or the immigrants or the EU or....

Old 10 Jun 2016
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Originally Posted by Threewheelbonnie View Post
None of the graffiti artists round here could spell that. I blame the politicians or the immigrants or the EU or....


Definitely the immigrants....they come over here and steal all our jobs and write on all our signs

Should Britain leave the E.U. ???-ckxssryw0aaktoo.jpg
Old 10 Jun 2016
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Who'd have thunk it? ..........

............ there were 4 elections in the UK yesterday.
The Conservatives just got wiped out in four elections overnight (IMAGE) | The Canary

The times they are a changing.
Just another protest vote, probably - nothing to do with the ref in two weeks or so.
Old 10 Jun 2016
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USA v EU bailouts

Originally posted by Walkabout:
"What struck me are the similarities between the individual US States, their relationships with the federal government and the situation between the EU and it's current 28 members.
Fundamentally, Germany does not want to carry the debts of the southern European countries, such as Greece, any more than the central government of the USA, which does have a common currency, wants to bail out Puerto Rico."

Wallkabout, I have been wrestling with your post mentioning Puerto Rico's need for a bailout - although Puerto Rico is not one of the fifty United States, Puerto Ricans are American citizens as pointed out here on the floor of the House of Representatives by Speaker of the House Paul Ryan. Hours ago....

House passes Puerto Rico rescue | TheHill

"Ryan made a moral case for the bill, arguing that the island's 3.5 million residents — who are American citizens — need Congress's support. "
"The Puerto Rican people are our fellow Americans. They pay our taxes. They fight in our wars," he said. "We cannot allow this to happen."

Needless to say, the Puerto Rican bailout bill passed the House of Respresentatives yesterday because Puerto Rico faces default on 2 billion dollars of debt payments on July 1.

Could, or would representatives of the E U ever make a moral case for, let's say bailout loans to Greece because the citizens of Greece are our fellow citizens of the European Union, they pay our taxes and they fight our wars?

Interesting to consider either way. Based on many years living and traveling within the European Union ..... I have heard a Spaniard complaining that "the French are prejudice against us, the French don't like the people of Spain.. We, the Spanish are not prejudice against the French." And then when the same Spaniard was asked "what about the people of Morocco," his answer was "a blank stare."

It would not be fair to characterize the majority of the Spanish as above, my point is that the EU is also facing prejudice of nationalities.
Old 10 Jun 2016
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The Week in Review.

Gosh – what a busy old week it has been and what weak week it has been for the poor, desperate REMAINIACS and their Project Fear. Let's see, where to start…

How about today and work backwards.

this is how they view democracy

Tory Peer and REMAINIAC Ros Altman sent out this twitter today:

Majority of MPs in all 3parties want to stay in EU. They're your democratically elected leaders. Voting Brexit overrules your own MPs
Majority of MPs in all 3parties want to stay in EU. They're your democratically elected leaders. Voting Brexit overrules your own MPs
— Ros Altmann (@rosaltmann) June 9, 2016

In her world our vote in a referendum does not count, it is MP's anyway who should decide this for us. Oh - Rosalind Miriam Altmann, Baroness Altmann, CBE appointed by Vichy Dave as "pensions expert" wasn't elected to her lofty position. A true example of a "europhile" with obvious ambitions to be an EU commisioner. Remainiacs are the gift that keeps on giving.

Do as you're told by your betters – or show her who leads whom on June 23rd and Vote Leave

from yesterday

Nine Out of Ten Economists...

Remember the oft repeated "nine out of ten economists" oppose BREXIT? We found out this week how they arrived at that figure:-

The figure was based on a self-selecting Ipsos MORI survey of economists from the Royal Economic Society and the Society of Business Economists.

The survey was sent out to 3,818 economists. Only 639 (or 16.7%) replied, of which 561 said Brexit would be bad for the economy. That’s just 14.7% of the total number of economists contacted. So rather than nine out of ten economists warning against Brexit, it was actually closer one in seven. Quite a lie from Gideon “Haw Haw” Osborne and Vichy Dave don't you think?

Clearly they think you are a mug. If you think you are not a mug – Vote Leave

from the day before:

Let's dig a great big hole and bury the EU in it..

and use this man's fine diggers with which to do it

earlier in the week

Just saying Good Bye:

Nigel's departing speech to the EU parliament:-


...and this dismal week for Project Fear kicked off with Vichy Dave being laughed at and told about the real world by an audience member whilst going head to head with Nigel on ITV

It's all gone so wrong

It’s all gone a bit Pete Tong for the PM. It turns out lining up every global leader, trade envoy and financier from Canary Wharf to Washington to warn the serfs to vote Remain on threat of nuclear apocalypse wasn’t actually the best idea. Who’d have thought it? People voting in a referendum on global elites don’t want to listen to those same global elites telling them which way to vote. How very bizarre!

David Cameron having a consoling pint & ciggie on the Commons Terrace after the disastrous ITV "show" - awwww

Luckily for the Leave camp, master political strategist David Cameron is so comprehensively divorced from any semblance of normality that he doesn’t realise this, and will continue treating the British people like benighted little peasants who need to sit down and listen to what the clever dignitaries and technocrats tell them. In fact, unwittingly, the red-faced ex-Buller boy is one of the Leave campaign’s single biggest assets.

but it wasn't supposed to end like this when we started out


(1) the Hon. Edward Sebastian Grigg, the heir to Baron Altrincham of Tormarton and current chairman of Credit Suisse (UK)

(2) David Cameron

(3) Ralph Perry Robinson, a former child actor, designer, furniture-maker

(4) Ewen Fergusson, son of the British ambassador to France, Sir Ewen Fergusson and now at City law firm Herbert Smith

(5) Matthew Benson, the heir to the Earldom of Wemyss and March

(6) Sebastian James, the son of Lord Northbourne, a major landowner in Kent

(7) Jonathan Ford, the-then president of the club, a banker with Morgan Grenfell

(8) Boris Johnson, the-then president of the Oxford Union

9) Harry Eastwood, the investment fund consultant


Last edited by Fastship; 10 Jun 2016 at 22:20.
Old 10 Jun 2016
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the week began with News From our Danish Cousins

Coming to a Town Near You
Daham Al Hasan fled from Syria to Denmark, leaving behind his three wives and 20 children. Under the Danish rules of family unification, one of his wives and eight of his children have joined him in Denmark. But Al Hasan wants all his children with him, as well as all his wives. Lawyers estimate that the remaining wives will be able to join their children in Denmark. The case has caused a shock not only because of what it will cost the Danish state just in child allowance, but because Al Hassan claims that he is too ill to work or even learn Danish. "I don't only have mental problems, but also physical problems..." He has admitted that his "mental illness" consists of missing the children he voluntarily left behind.
We all have rough weekends...

Pissed up Junker - again
This clown is the top EU man – head of the Comission no less. You can't sack him as you didn't elect him. The irony is He calls Hungary’s PM Viktor Orbán “the dictator” - at least he was ELECTED

In a rare sober moment this clown has threatened our country with severe retaliation should we vote to leave his rancid EU. The British people have stepped over better men to get to a fight. If you agree – Vote Leave

Monday Morning Blues

The “trougher” panicks
Acknowledging the inevitability of defeat, we see trougher Stephen Kinnock MP on the news sensing the end to his family's £12m serial looting and plundering spree of EU' taxpayers money. He's saying he is already organising a majority in parliament in a vote to maintain the single market and mass migration that goes with it when we vote BREXIT .

When we talk about the contempt for democracy amongst the EU oligarchs, here is a prime example. Leave means LEAVE.
Vote Leave.

From the same day
Have Mercy On Me
Johny Mercer MP who came out as a remainiac yesterday. He too ran a poll in his Plymouth constituency - they came out 74.1% for BREXIT with 400 respondents. His majority in the last election was 1,000. Doh!

After Brexit, Frexit? Poll Shows French Want a Referendum Too

Interesting research from Edinburgh University shows that 53 percent of French would like to hold their own vote on EU membership, and in Spain, Germany and Sweden more people are in favour of doing so than are opposed.

The report says the outcome of such a referendum in Germany and Spain would likely be “a firm affirmation of EU membership.” But the researchers found that in France and Sweden, less than 50 percent of respondents would vote to remain in the EU.

read the piece here on Newsweek:
After Brexit, Frexit? Poll Shows French Want a Referendum Too

Cameron on Turkey

Vichy Dave in the last few days as we all know says that Turkey "will not become a member of the EU until the year 3,000 AT THE EARLIEST and I would veto it" and that in no way should Turkey's accession influence how you vote in the referendum.


Vichy Dave caught in yet another lie on Turkey as seen on out own Diplomats website

TV's Farage/Cameron "debate"

In this weeks ITV debate with Farage & Cameron remember the black woman's race baiting attack on Farage? Turns out she wasn't a member of the public after all but has admitted to being selected by the producers specifically to attack him in this way.

Just another example of how the biased media has it's own agenda. Channel Four is IMHO the most blatant in this with barely concealed hatred for BREXITERS. If you too are pissed off by the establishment's perpetual stitch ups, taking the piss and us for idiots Vote Leave
The woman who aggressively questioned UK Independence Party leader Nigel Farage during the ITV debate yesterday has admitted that she was not selected as a member of the general public and that ITV invited her on due to her hosting of a black community-focused podcast.
Imriel Morgan, the “CEO and co founder” of the Shout Out Network and blogger at the Huffington Post, told radio host Jon Gaunt during his Talk2MeRadio show that she was not selected as a member of the general public, and that she believes there is a right-wing media conspiracy to push images of coloured people up the Google image search rankings for the phrase “EU migrants”.

When asked by Jon Gaunt as to whether ITV did any background checks of her, or her “clear political agenda,” Ms. Morgan admitted to having been hand picked by ITV.

“What kind of checks did they do on you, did they ask you about Shout Out, did they ask you about articles you’ve placed on the Huffington Post or not?”

“No they did not,” replied Ms. Morgan, adding: “They reached out to me via the podcast though so it’s not as if they didn’t do their regular checks.”

“So they saw the podcast, thought ‘this is an interesting woman, different perspective, let’s get her on’ but then they put you on as if you were a member of the [public]”

“…I was a member of the audience who was picked to ask a question”.

“You were a member of the audience but they could have put you on as a representative and as somebody who created a podcast… I’m surprised that they put you on, in the audience, and did not announce that.”

The revelation comes as it was also revealed that ITV hand selected the audience rather than relying on a reputable pollster to ensure demographic representation last night.

FYI: Sky News used @Survation to get a balanced audience. ITV did not. I hear their producers “hand picked” the audience.

— Raheem Kassam (@RaheemKassam) June 8, 2016

And Mr. Gaunt also spoke to her about her employment background.

“As well as doing Shout Out have you got a job at the moment?” he asked,

“Shout Out is my job, I’m the CEO, Chief Executive Officer” she replied.

“So are you earning from it, with only three podcasts, are you making money from it?”

“I’m a freelancer”.

“So you’re not making money at the moment”.

“Not from the podcast”.

Last edited by Fastship; 11 Jun 2016 at 11:56.
Old 10 Jun 2016
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Probably not a complete answer

A few posts have arrived since I started typing - this is a reply to Xfiltrate's earlier question.

"Could, or would representatives of the E U ever make a moral case for, let's say bailout loans to Greece because the citizens of Greece are our fellow citizens of the European Union, they pay our taxes and they fight our wars?"

Probably not, but I would like to hear of other views on the question.

As I understand things, it is the case that the ECB is not equipped to deal with fiscal inequality across the EU; that is the crux of the sovereign currency "problem" that I highlighted = the Euro is not sovereign, because it is a mere monetary union and not a full blown equivalent of, say, the US $.

But, the ECB has indulged itself in a few shenanigans that some commentators consider to have been illegal.
As I read things, because the ECB have stepped outside of their remit or have juggled monies between EU accounts without the authority to do such.

This was known as the Euro crisis of a few years ago - around 2010/11 or thereabouts. Now that "crisis" is not as acute - the private banks, many of them German because of the earlier loans to buy armaments and Mercedes Benz cars, have been paid off from their earlier exposure to Greek debt and the Greeks have generations of accumulated, rolling, further debt owed to the ECB and the IMF and to be paid in perpetuity; hence why would another nation pick up the Greek bill for membership of the Euro club?
Old 10 Jun 2016
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Another poll

Vote on the poll that is just below the main headlines in the link to see the result at present (I voted "don't know").
EU referendum: latest news and guides

30K+ sample:-
Old 10 Jun 2016
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I've never voted in my life....until now.....
I am no longer a 'ballot box virgin' and I have to say it feels rather good.

Here's the formula for my decision and it's based on my favourite hobby just to try to bring the whole topic into some sense in the bike world:

The total number of fingers in my gloves = 10
multiplied by
The number of wheels on my bike = 2
divided by
The number of years I have been riding bikes = 12
The number of people who have told me I should not ride bikes = 100
multiplied by
The number of people who told me I should ride bikes = 3


Had it been a positive number I'd have voted to leave. But it wasn't so that means I'm in.

And to me this formula makes about as much sense as any of the clowns who stand on a soap box and tell us what to do.
Old 10 Jun 2016
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Originally Posted by ChrisFS View Post

Had it been a positive number I'd have voted to leave. But it wasn't so that means I'm in.
Sounds like bollox, but why not simpy toss a coin, double headed or otherwise?
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