Is starting a family really the end of travel freedom ?
It's no coincidence.
The vast majority of people who seem to endlessly travel the world before retirement age do not have children. And if they do, they're often estranged from them.
Prolonged travel in difficult environments is a selfish endeavour. Independence, freedom and the great expense of it all is rarely compatible with family life for those of us who live in the real world.
I am 41 this month and my partner is 38. We both enjoy our independence, travel and our lifestyles. And we are in no illusion that we can only maintain this lifestyle because we don't have the cost and responsibility of children.
But we are in a biological point in life where we feel like we have a choice to make.
Family or independence !!!!!
How many people do we know who are "Waiting for the kids to grow up" before they can finally realise their travel dreams to head off on a trip which is more than a couple of weeks on the continent. And by then, they're too broke, too tired or just lost the desire.
Packing little Jimmy off to School one morning and then heading off on a RTW doesn't work for 99% of us.
It raises the questions.
Do people travel because they are filling the void of a family ? Or do people avoid having a family because they want to maintain their freedom and independence ?
However, I do appreciate there are many other reasons why people chose not to have a family.
I also realise having a family is one of the greatest adventures in itself. And I appreciate one can never fully understand it until they do so themselves.
I've met people who have tried to do both and but by god, it seems a chore. And not fun at all. And I know that my partner would not even entertain the idea. And we couldn't afford to anyway.
All of my riding and travel friends that I grew up with now have families. One by one their bikes were sold, their backpacks thrown in the attic and they now live for their children. They holiday in resorts and complexes and spend weekends painting their spare room. However, they don't seem to regret it.. Their kids mean everything to them.
So is travel just a poor comparison to family ??
When you are lying in your death bed, will you regret not having a family more than not seeing the world ?
This issue keeps me up at night..
Did some trips.
Rode some bikes.
Fix them for a living.
Can't say anymore.
Last edited by *Touring Ted*; 9 Mar 2021 at 17:22.