Stolen rd04 africa twin- north east uk- NOW FOUND -12/10/13
Long time lurker here, but don't post much, so feels a bit awkward posting asking for help (sorry), but I got up late yesterday and found shed empty - some ***** has stolen my beloved RD04 Africa Twin.
They also took a carrera subway hybrid mountain bike. Though I couldn't care less about the push bike really.
Looks like they couldn't get the disk lock off as there were drag marks down the path and into the road from the front tyre and little flakes of powdercoat off the disk lock on the path,so they've dragged it away with the front wheel still locked. The bike was alarmed, but if it went off I didn't hear it or they've disabled it before taking it (I'm guessing the latter).
Looks like the ring the shed lock goes into was cut with boltcutters. Police seem to think it's someone who knew I had the bike and have targetted it specifically rather than an opportunist thief or kids.
Anyway if anyone sees it or hears anything about it, if they could PM me that would be much appreciated.
It's a 1990 year RD04, the reg is H588 KKX, it was taken from the Tyne and Wear area, and a photo is below:
Last edited by Bertrand; 12 Oct 2013 at 16:58.