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Old 18 Jan 2012
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Thumbs up The Korean Scooter Girls

Tipi and Chae are ther names and wow- what can I say...they enthralled us during their stay in Cornwall.
As Paul mentioned, I had to undergo an immigration interview by telphone before they were allowed in and it then took them tw days to get to my house at Lands End, they'd barely settled in when they were whisked off to my parents' house for a multi-day Christmas celebration crammed into the three-bedroom house with 16 other people. I think it says a lot about their resilience that they managed to put up with my extended family and friends who are all extremey noisy

They have now moved on up to London and are seeing the sights there, they've got a Korean contact whom they're staying with, although they have left their scooters with me as they realised it can be pretty hard getting secure parking for bikes such as theirs.
and what bikes they are- such tiny wheels, it seems inconceivable when I think about where they have been

I'll post up a picture of the bikes (and T&C) when I get a chance to. Thank you all for your help, questions and offers of help, keep them coming, I'm forwarding them on and in fact will be visiting them at the end of the month.

In the meantime here is a photo of Tipi and Chae at Lands End itself - damn, wrong computer.
On the road from...I'm not sure any more
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Old 18 Jan 2012
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Sounds great, thanks for the update on them. See if you can get them to post on the Ride Tales Forum!
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Old 19 Jan 2012
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Thanks for the update. We never managed a photo of them with the bikes as it was after dark when they were allowed out of customs and we had to go to work the following morning before they left. I hope we'll see them again before they leave the country.
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Old 20 Jan 2012
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Originally Posted by mustaphapint View Post
Thanks for the update. We never managed a photo of them with the bikes as it was after dark when they were allowed out of customs and we had to go to work the following morning before they left. I hope we'll see them again before they leave the country.
Girls are fine ,, they are indeed in London,, with Neo ,, a young Korean boy,,,who also made the trip over Pakistan and India, on an Indian Enfield and doing odd jobs currently,,, to save money for the Spring run over to Mid-East.
Here are pics.
Attached Thumbnails
The Korean Scooter Girls-4.jpg  

Last edited by seouljoe; 20 Jan 2012 at 03:01.
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Old 20 Jan 2012
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Neo ,, Korean girl's friend in London

This is the young kid ,, who did solo over some amazing terrain last year to get to London, from Korea.
He says after selling his bike, (old one blew up) he has about USD 3,000 left but needs to make some money in UK,, will do anything legal. He needs to save so he can buy another bike ,,to get back to Korea,, May be some one has a spare bike or camping equipment to share / sell cheap?
This picture is on the night he took two girls out...
Let me know if any UK Hubbers can help.
kid is working 13 hours a day currently at a restaurant,, and he thinks by April he will have about USD 4,500 after the living expenses (London terribly expensive),,

A Korean rider has left a scooter for him in Madrid and flew back to Korea,, but the title on the bike ,, Europe is OK but he doesn't think he can enter Middle East countries or Russia. He would like your advise,,, Can some one with visitor's visa buy and register a bike in UK or in EEC?

If you can help,, kindly send EM to me,,,seouljoe(at)seouljoe.com
Attached Thumbnails
The Korean Scooter Girls-p1081292.jpg  

Last edited by seouljoe; 20 Jan 2012 at 09:52.
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Old 20 Jan 2012
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In the UK you don't have to be a resident to buy a vehicle, you'll just need a postal address, and I know from experience it's the same in France. I would imagine (but don't quote me on this) that European harmonisation, and free-market rules mean that it is much the same throughout the EU.

Perhaps the only problem of the scooter in Madrid would be lack of address?

As for the UK United Kingdom jobs, cars, property, free classifieds and more - Gumtree.com had plenty of cheap and cheerful bikes, might be worth a look. I'm in London too, so if I can give any help let me know.
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Old 20 Jan 2012
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Thumbs up Kid

Thanks Alex,, the Brit ,, I've let the kid know ,,, forwarded your EM
Any ,, unneeded tents,, sleeping bags?
Basically,, he wants to spend time on the road as much as possible.

Originally Posted by Alexlebrit View Post
In the UK you don't have to be a resident to buy a vehicle, you'll just need a postal address, and I know from experience it's the same in France. I would imagine (but don't quote me on this) that European harmonisation, and free-market rules mean that it is much the same throughout the EU.

Perhaps the only problem of the scooter in Madrid would be lack of address?

As for the UK United Kingdom jobs, cars, property, free classifieds and more - Gumtree.com had plenty of cheap and cheerful bikes, might be worth a look. I'm in London too, so if I can give any help let me know.
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Old 4 Mar 2012
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Need more than a postal address in Portugal to buy a bike. You need a fiscal number. I bet it's the same in Spain.
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Old 5 Mar 2012
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I have a tent he can have, it's a good one 3 person tent outer and inner liner waterproof , not sure if all the poles are there i shall drag it out the garage and see, also check for other surplus bits i have and ask around . I live about 120 miles north of London , but no problem getting down there if the tent is all there , i shall check in the morning and get back to you .

edit: Just spotted that post was in january does he still need some gear ?
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Old 5 Mar 2012
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Tent for the Kid,,

Originally Posted by bushman_uk View Post
I have a tent he can have, it's a good one 3 person tent outer and inner liner waterproof , not sure if all the poles are there i shall drag it out the garage and see, also check for other surplus bits i have and ask around . I live about 120 miles north of London , but no problem getting down there if the tent is all there , i shall check in the morning and get back to you .

edit: Just spotted that post was in january does he still need some gear ?
Thanks Bushman,,,I am sure he will appreciate it ,, I've let him know,,,
Please check and see if it's usuable,,
In fact he wrote me last night ,,, got him self an 04 Suzuki
gs500 k3, with 44k miles,,for 850 quid,, he is doing MOT now but the insurance is asking 400 quid,, I gave him following info ,, first to see if he can get EU Greencard from UK ,, to be used there,,

Skype: mototouring2
Mototouring s.r.l. – tour operator & motorcycle rental
Via del Ricordo 31 - 20128 - Milano - Italy
Tel. +39.0227201556 - Fax +39.0293660584
P.I./C.F. 11303890153

Where I've get mine,, and if no good ,, short term UK insurance from here ,,
Flexirider, The UK’s First Temporary Motorbike Insurance Provider then hit the London Craiglist.

He says he's got 1 1/2 months left ,, then a week of touring in UK ,, Will tell him to see Scotland hit the Inverness then come down through Edinburgh,, St.Andrews, see the Scone castle,, The Lake District ,,

What ever you guys in UK can offer ,, i.e., tent,,sleeping bag,, warm jacket ,, helmet ,,
Kid is only 22 and goes by nick Neomad..
Here is his EM anti1960s(at)naver.com

He will hit the continent ,, then throgh the STANS back to Korea...

Any of you ,, in Korea,, we will do likewise.
Much appreciate it guys.

Last edited by seouljoe; 5 Mar 2012 at 09:10.
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Old 5 Mar 2012
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Hi Joe, Just checked the tent is all complete and in good working order, i also have one piece waterproofs and a crash helmet , i have some old warm work jackets and i have if it's his size leather trousers and jacket.

The insurance for his age sounds good for the UK and if the insurance is taken out in Europe it covers for the whole of Europe , sometimes with restrictions , like 30 days or 60 days outside of the UK. It will not cover him on another machine and definitely not a hire bike
I shall e-mail Nick now

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Old 5 Mar 2012
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Hi Joe

I am Martin, and I ride often with Bushman (most recently on an East to West Round World trip).

I have a roll mat, a summer sleeping bag (cheapo one I'm afraid) and some other camping odds & ends spare. Mark (Bushman) will add these to his email to your pal.

We hope to be going back out to Vladivostok next year and may well catch the DBS ferry to South Korea so, who knows, we may meet up !

PS Also a bed for the night in the Midlands (near Stratford-upon-Avon) on his way upor back to Scotland

Last edited by strimstrum; 5 Mar 2012 at 10:39. Reason: Add a bit more
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Old 5 Mar 2012
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Thumbs up Kid

Kid just EMed me with a grin ear to ear ,, Looks Mark has sent him a nice EM with offers he is so encouraged by your kindness and has bowed to me profusely..
Guys ,,
Good Job !
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Old 5 Mar 2012
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Talking Martin ,,

Originally Posted by strimstrum View Post
Hi Joe

I am Martin, and I ride often with Bushman (most recently on an East to West Round World trip).

I have a roll mat, a summer sleeping bag (cheapo one I'm afraid) and some other camping odds & ends spare. Mark (Bushman) will add these to his email to your pal.

We hope to be going back out to Vladivostok next year and may well catch the DBS ferry to South Korea so, who knows, we may meet up !

PS Also a bed for the night in the Midlands (near Stratford-upon-Avon) on his way upor back to Scotland
Hello Martin,, yes I missed you guys last year as you came from States to Vlad as I was going other way.
Next time when you come this way ,, we will definitely meet up!

My self will be hitting Vlad on June 15th of this year,, going west.

Cheers !
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Old 9 Mar 2012
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Mark and Martin

These nice folks living in Coventry ,, so much a part of British Auto Industry ,, to my behest ,, have invited Neomade,, the young Korean kid ,, to their home ,, even let him hug his beautiful little grand daughter,, may be four years old? (For I sure will not !) ,,, gave him 99% of what he needs to make the 22.000 KM soujourn back to Korea ,, tent ,, sleeping bag,, helmet ,, clothes,, cooking stuff.
Took him to the birth place of the old Bart him self ,, gave him a proper British dinner,,

Thank you gentlemen,, and your lovely family ,, I saw all the pictures,,that you guys took ,,

Four years ago, in Korea ,, a well known HUBB rider ,, whom you see in your DVDs left me high and dry ,, after that I was ,, really afraid to commit to give and give ,,

Well now ,, Mark and Martin ,, you have instilled a new ,, hope and I shall give and give like you ,, to any schmuck , who comes to Korea ,, as long as they have a HUBB sticker !

Love you guys ,,
Sincerely, yours,


PS,, Who was that lovely young slender blonde lady at your dinner table?
ROFLMAO ,, tell her that I compliment her. No credit,, due to dads ,,
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