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Old 19 Jun 2021
R.I.P. 25 November 2021
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Well that's encouraging, many young people have had AZ vaccine in the UK, here in OZ the doctor said (as i was getting jabbed) your very young to be getting this.

He thought i should wait a few months for the Pfizer vaccine, but there is simply not enough supply, so i opted for the AZ.

The media have done a real good job of scaremongering AZ over here, but we do have the luxury of low covid cases & nobody has died of CV19 since October last year so people are reluctant to get the AZ vaccine.

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Old 19 Jun 2021
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Originally Posted by Mezo View Post
Well that's encouraging, many young people have had AZ vaccine in the UK, here in OZ the doctor said (as i was getting jabbed) your very young to be getting this.

He thought i should wait a few months for the Pfizer vaccine, but there is simply not enough supply, so i opted for the AZ.

The media have done a real good job of scaremongering AZ over here, but we do have the luxury of low covid cases & nobody has died of CV19 since October last year so people are reluctant to get the AZ vaccine.

I'm not dismissing the risks/side effects of the AZ vaccine (stating the bleeding obvious) there's risks with any medication.
There's risks associated with the Phizer and Modena vaccines. Heart inflammation and blood clots.
But the constant negative briefings around AstraZeneca is suspicious. Maybe follow the money? AZ sold at cost, around €5. The others around €30-40
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Old 19 Jun 2021
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Originally Posted by RussG View Post
I'm not dismissing the risks/side effects of the AZ vaccine (stating the bleeding obvious) there's risks with any medication.
There's risks associated with the Phizer and Modena vaccines. Heart inflammation and blood clots.
But the constant negative briefings around AstraZeneca is suspicious. Maybe follow the money? AZ sold at cost, around €5. The others around €30-40
Unfortunately there is no free market, or free discussion about alternatives too from the chinese or russian market. Which vaccination works better, for which age, which health condition?

The real risks of the vaccination arent visible today. Hopefully reports like these - dont get worse:



But two alternatives to the normal vaccination are too under developement and near ready for the market: kin001, Sotrovimab.

Sounds like a breakthrough in my ears.



So for me as a mid-ager without beeing in a risk group - is waiting probably still the best option. To be able to use medicine if neccessary - sounds like a good option?

I`m still looking at texas, they are back to normality since march - and the statistics about covid looks better than many other states.

If you compare Switzerland to Germany, you can see that relaxed restrictions did lead to higher cases. But anyway - let us hope that we see the normality soon!

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Old 19 Jun 2021
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Originally Posted by Surfy View Post

For those who haven`t recognized that the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut is offering his website in english too, here is Surfy`s link in english language.
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Old 30 Jun 2021
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I am pulling my hair out with one of my employees. He has a chronic chest complaint and should be considered extremely clinically vulerable. He is also one of the world's biggest hypochondriac and his wife is worse than him - however he is a good employee and I want the best for him.

His wife had a reaction to the vaccine - Astra Zeneca I think - and so won't have the second dose - my understanding is that the evidence is any reaction to the second dose is less than the first reaction.

He won't have the first dose as he doesn't want a reaction of any sort. He has seen the effects on a family member of Covid, he knows my father in law died from it, another member of staff was really groggy with it and he knows that if he gets Covid he is liable to have, at best, a poor outcome but he will not have any of the vaccines in case he gets a headache. I have offered to take him to the appointment, given him information about the vaccines -I just can't understand some people.
You will have to do without pocket handkerchiefs, and a great many other things, before we reach our journey's end, Bilbo Baggins. You were born to the rolling hills and little rivers of the Shire, but home is now behind you. The world is ahead.
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Old 30 Jun 2021
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Its shame when you have a situation like that, no easy way round it.

I've had both mine, AZ, first I felt crap the day after and if that was a very mild experience of COVID, I certainly don't want the main thing. 2nd dose was much better with no real reactions.

Unfortunately we live in a world where fake news and conspiracy theories take precedent over actual science. Brexit, Trump and now COVID have revealed how quickly people will believe the fake information spread so widely.
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Old 30 Jun 2021
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I`m still wondering that the EM Championship (congratulation to the uk) is running near normal, where the as "delta" named variant starts to get the leadership in many countries.

And it seems that too the full vaccinated people can get it.

Germany starts to get travellers from portugal to quarantaine, vaccinated or not. In Israel the masks get their revival.

According to investigations by the Israeli Ministry of Health, around 90 percent of those newly infected have the more contagious Delta variant - and around half are vaccinated. Most of those infected are children.
Translated from:

I am pulling my hair out with one of my employees
for your employees -maybe this helps:

Name:  gender.JPG
Views: 45
Size:  18.8 KB


As a men any risk seems to be much lower!

But for shure, the swiss officials still didnt approve the AC vaccination (for a reason?), so the statistic may be looks different in the UK.

But anyway, the UK did a good job for vaccination: https://www.bbc.com/news/health-55274833

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Old 30 Jun 2021
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Fully vaccinated people can certainly get Covid...

My mate and his wife had a weekend away in Cornwall a couple of weeks ago and a few days after returning they both tested positive for the the delta variant... Both of them had received their 2nd phizer jab over 2 months ago. He had fairly mild symptoms but his wife was quite poorly for over a week. Both still in isolation.

In South Glos UK where I live, there were 421 new cases last week which is a 70% increase from the previous week

I expect with all the footy going on and social gatherings etc.. its only going to get worse..
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Old 30 Jun 2021
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While it's unfortunate to get COVID once vaccinated, the "good" thing is that there's no risk of getting seriously ill or dying after being vaccinated (twice). I'm curious though how the delta-variant will develop, it's supposed to be a LOT more contagious.
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Old 1 Jul 2021
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Originally Posted by bosaapje View Post
While it's unfortunate to get COVID once vaccinated, the "good" thing is that there's no risk of getting seriously ill or dying after being vaccinated (twice). I'm curious though how the delta-variant will develop, it's supposed to be a LOT more contagious.
Switzerland has a very cool new website about the hospitalisation:


4.9% used for covid patients - it looks pretty good actually. Bad thing is, it look near similar one year ago.

Lets hope that it will be less harmful too with "Delta", because most of us are vaccinated or cured from covid.

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Old 1 Jul 2021
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Originally Posted by TheWarden View Post
Its shame when you have a situation like that, no easy way round it.

I've had both mine, AZ, first I felt crap the day after and if that was a very mild experience of COVID, I certainly don't want the main thing. 2nd dose was much better with no real reactions.

Unfortunately we live in a world where fake news and conspiracy theories take precedent over actual science. Brexit, Trump and now COVID have revealed how quickly people will believe the fake information spread so widely.
We're controlled and manipulated by 3 word slogans
The latest fake news is that the majority of people dying from Covid are double vaccinated.
So easy to manipulate data to portray this. People dying usually have several and severe underlying health issues and are 60yr old plus. So yep, lots are double vaccinated. No vaccine is 100% effective.
So if we all get vaccinated 100% of deaths can be claimed to be either due to the actual vaccine or the vaccine being ineffective

Anyway. My hamster died 3 days after I had the AZ vaccine. Big pharma kept that side effect well hidden
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Old 1 Jul 2021
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Originally Posted by RussG View Post
The latest fake news is that the majority of people dying from Covid are double vaccinated.
Where have you read such a claim? I've seen literally dozens of articles from different sources claiming that the vast majority (95%+) of new COVID hospitalisations are unvaccinated. Here is just one such story: https://www.brantfordexpositor.ca/ne...n-unvaccinated
"Of the 63 new COVID cases recorded during the weeks ended June 13 and 20, only two were in fully vaccinated people"

and another: https://www.webmd.com/vaccines/covid...e-unvaccinated
"Of more than 18,000 people who died from COVID-19, for example, only about 150 were fully vaccinated. That's less than 1%."
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Old 1 Jul 2021
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Originally Posted by brclarke View Post
Where have you read such a claim? I've seen literally dozens of articles from different sources claiming that the vast majority (95%+) of new COVID hospitalisations are unvaccinated. Here is just one such story: https://www.brantfordexpositor.ca/ne...n-unvaccinated
"Of the 63 new COVID cases recorded during the weeks ended June 13 and 20, only two were in fully vaccinated people"

and another: https://www.webmd.com/vaccines/covid...e-unvaccinated
"Of more than 18,000 people who died from COVID-19, for example, only about 150 were fully vaccinated. That's less than 1%."
I certainly wasn't implying any credence to this.
I hang around some American forums. Need I say more?
Occasionally I follow the links, it usually takes 4 or 5 seconds to determine the latest "expert" is a fraud. Last one was a former UK Doctor Alexander who was struck off for creating false claims about the mmr vaccine. Mostly it's just out of morbid curiosity.
When you've vaccinated 90%+ of the vulnerable (UK numbers) it's easy to put a negative spin when some of these die.
The Daily Mail chose to run a story implying this, so not even some loony toon conspiracy theory source. Just a politically motivated rag of a news paper.
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Old 2 Jul 2021
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And let's not forget that when someone writes: "150 people out of 10000 die after vaccination", it looks like it was because of vaccination/COVID but people can still die of other sources.

Also, talking about untruthful media/press/stupid people: https://www.france24.com/en/live-new...nto-crocodiles
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Old 2 Jul 2021
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It´s an absolute needless discussion if people who died on covid19 were half/fully or not vaccinated. The number of people who will die from covid19 without a vaccination will always be higher than the number of vaccinated people. And yes, vaccinated people who suffer from pre-existing illnesses will have a higher risk to die. And yes again, a vaccination always includes different kinds of risks of adverse effects.

But every vaccination independent of what vaccine is used will drastically reduce the risk of dying from covid19 and prevent growing virus mutations.

Vaccination will prevent symptomatic and asymptomatic infections in significant numbers. The probalitity that fully vaccinated persons will be shown as positive through a PCR test is very low. Means numbers of this is never zero, there is still a possibilty existing that fully vaccinated persons can get an infection.

In what kind of ratio and risk a fully vaccinated person is able to transfer the virus to another person is still not detected and proven by medical evidence. What is clear up to day by medical evidence data is that fully vaccinated persons show a much lower number of viral load. This results in a shorter time and amount of expulsion of viruses and in less perilous courses of disease for fully vaccinated persons.

That´s why we still have to keep on hygiene rules in our social periphery if there are so many people around without being vaccinated in times where delta variant is still spreading faster and faster. It`s not the delta virus who spreads around, it us the un- and vaccinated people who spread the virus mostly without recognizing it.

This we should keep in mind when we watch EM soccer championship with overcrowed stadiums in the tv. And this we should keep in mind if times of travelling will return to a world where for several reasons we will never find a region or a country with a 100% vaccination rate. It´s up to us to proof and ignore spreading rumors from doubtful sources, to trust science more than politician partys and to take respectful care of eachothers as we would belong to one family.

Think, we all got impressed sometime by the experience of extraordinary hospitaly and altruistic help from foreigners we met randomly in their country. Let us be and act with same behavior like them to get together through this pandemic.

The world is full of nice people. If you can`t find one, be one.
(Nishan Panwar)
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