
2 Jan 2016
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The apocalypse fantasy adventure I imagine involves being Kevin Costner?
The trouble is, for everyone who imagines now great it would be to be Livingstone, there aren't the required 500 imaginistas willing to think of themselves hauling water on their heads. Every Napoleon fantacist requires a few hundred thousand willing to imagine standing in a fog of gunsmoke while ten thousand shot guns are fired randomly. We never imagine ourselves as the bloke in the red shirt no one knows stood next to Captain Kirk when it kicks off.

2 Jan 2016
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Originally Posted by Dutchgit
So, what did we find out after the initial question was asked ?
The world is changing like it has always done.
People argue, like they have always done.
The climate change will influence the ways of the adventure rider, albeit not in dramatic ways. (unless you didn't count on mud in a previously drought stricken area and you never learned riding in mud  It might make throwing mud at each other even easier though ! )
But it has been ... and WILL continue to be dramatic. We've already seen this throughout Latin America for decades. It only gets worse.
My experience may not be necessarily directly related to climate change but all kinds of events happened and WILL happen in future that will cause major disruptions for travelers. Climate Change will make these events more serious and more common ... and more dramatic.
I saw this during my short 7 years in the area. Massive mud slides and floods, bridges out, no water or power, major roads closed ... and ... no help!
Not for just a few days but sometimes MONTHS! Been there, seen it in person.
Man Made Climate change will most definitely worsen these events. They will likely (and are) be happening more frequently than ever before. Guaranteed.
Dramatic? Look around you ... and don't take your finger out of the dyke!
But GO ... (go soon!) Do your trip the best you can!

2 Jan 2016
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Sticking your finger in a dyke can cause serious trouble or so I heard..
We will make that trip even if it's the last thing we do.

2 Jan 2016
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Originally Posted by TheWarden
Did they quote the Higgs Boson as evidence?

2 Jan 2016
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Originally Posted by mollydog
But it has been ... and WILL continue to be dramatic. We've already seen this throughout Latin America for decades. It only gets worse.
My experience may not be necessarily directly related to climate change but all kinds of events happened and WILL happen in future that will cause major disruptions for travelers. Climate Change will make these events more serious and more common ... and more dramatic.
I saw this during my short 7 years in the area. Massive mud slides and floods, bridges out, no water or power, major roads closed ... and ... no help!
Not for just a few days but sometimes MONTHS! Been there, seen it in person.
Man Made Climate change will most definitely worsen these events. They will likely (and are) be happening more frequently than ever before. Guaranteed.
Dramatic? Look around you ... and don't take your finger out of the dyke!
But GO ... (go soon!) Do your trip the best you can! 
It really looks very bleak! The Paris talks did more than nothing but a lot less than what's needed. The last time western civilization was faced with a urgent, real and existential threat the US answered it with the Manhattan Project, and we need another one for fossils fuels. Hard not to wonder now would nano-solar and geothermal technology world look if Bush et al had spent the trillion on research instead of smashing up Iraq?

2 Jan 2016
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Will Climate Change Spell The End of RTW Motorcycle Travel?
Originally Posted by Walkabout
I am reading posted links, but a couple of graphs shown in isolation do not amount to a readable document.
So you're saying they are false? Or do you believe NASA, et al along with those who carried out that research are wrong?
Originally Posted by Walkabout
I am reading posted links, but a co
Within my link below you will quickly find an article about changes of mind among the scientific community
Originally Posted by Walkabout
I am reading posted links, but a co
+ further commentary about the corruption of the data sets used for the temperature graphs - Piers Corbyn, the "amateur" weather forecaster, has also drawn attention to the phenomena of altered data to suit preconceived ideologies derived from computer based modelling that did not come up with the "right" predictions (it's in his website linked earlier).
But are you disputing that the link between Co2 and climate change or the problems with computer modeling? In your mind could it be you are more likely to believe an amateur in Australia because it conforms with your worldview, more than agencies like the International Panel on Climate Change, the MET, NASA, etc? By the way that blog comes across as false, shrill, loaded and cherry picked, to say the least.

3 Jan 2016
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Originally Posted by mollydog
But it has been ... and WILL continue to be dramatic. We've already seen this throughout Latin America for decades. It only gets worse.
My experience may not be necessarily directly related to climate change but all kinds of events happened and WILL happen in future that will cause major disruptions for travelers. Climate Change will make these events more serious and more common ... and more dramatic.
I saw this during my short 7 years in the area. Massive mud slides and floods, bridges out, no water or power, major roads closed ... and ... no help!
Not for just a few days but sometimes MONTHS! Been there, seen it in person.
Man Made Climate change will most definitely worsen these events. They will likely (and are) be happening more frequently than ever before. Guaranteed.
Dramatic? Look around you ... and don't take your finger out of the dyke!
But GO ... (go soon!) Do your trip the best you can! 
Oh ok, sbut third world countries poor infrastructure and design have nothing to do with the slides or inability to get back up and running. Nothing new we have been having dramatic shifts for some time, welcome to earth.
From the founder of the Weather channel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fr5O1HsTVgA
Originally Posted by ridetheworld
So you're saying they are false? Or do you believe NASA, et al along with those who carried out that research are wrong?
But are you disputing that the link between Co2 and climate change or the problems with computer modeling? In your mind could it be you are more likely to believe an amateur in Australia because it conforms with your worldview, more than agencies like the International Panel on Climate Change, the MET, NASA, etc? By the way that blog comes across as false, shrill, loaded and cherry picked, to say the least.
lol the International panel was a joke, others have came out against it. Further nobody has bothered to refute what stated about all those international countries NOT taking any actions about the supposed DIRE danger.

3 Jan 2016
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Will Climate Change Spell The End of RTW Motorcycle Travel?
Originally Posted by Shrekonwheels
"lol the International panel was a joke"
Argumentum ad lapidem
- dismissing a claim as absurd without demonstrating proof for its absurdity.
Originally Posted by Shrekonwheels
, others have came out against it.
Appeal to authority
- where an assertion is deemed true because of the position or authority of the person asserting it (besides not even caring to disclose said authorities?)
Originally Posted by Shrekonwheels
Further nobody has bothered to refute [wonder why?] what stated about all those international countries NOT taking any actions about the supposed DIRE danger.
- perfect example of an inductive fallacy (not to mention cherry picking) i.e. that unknown quantity of undisclosed nations allegedly took no action to mitigate consequences of climate change therefore climate change isn't real.
Last edited by ridetheworld; 3 Jan 2016 at 04:04.

3 Jan 2016
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Originally Posted by ridetheworld
Argumentum ad lapidem
- dismissing a claim as absurd without demonstrating proof for its absurdity.
Appeal to authority
- where an assertion is deemed true because of the position or authority of the person asserting it (besides not even caring to disclose said authorities?)
- perfect example of an inductive fallacy (not to mention cherry picking) i.e. that unknown quantity of undisclosed nations allegedly took no action to mitigate consequences of climate change therefore climate change isn't real.
Edit: Truly, reasoning with you is impossible, especially when you make zero attempt in your life to learn anything objective at all.
Sad and entertaining.
Last edited by Shrekonwheels; 3 Jan 2016 at 04:56.
Reason: a

3 Jan 2016
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The thread has moved along at a pace; barricades have been strengthened, positions reinforced, reinforcements summoned and minds increasingly closed.
A word about blogs:
They didn't exist a short few years ago - we were reliant on the Main Stream Media (MSM) and other printed matter + the spoken word.
The general tradition of dissemination of information consists of a top down approach, based on the existing establishment of the day - through recorded history this has been the case and until very recently that is how things have been done, whether it be the Iman preaching from the pulpit (mixed religions therein) to the illiterate congregation or whatever.
Now, remarkably, here we are discussing a subject on a worldwide basis, more or less in a single language (with occasional tower of babel misunderstandings).
I like blogs because they pull together views, of all kinds, and are a developing new outlet for discourse such as occurs in here, now and again.
Of course some blogs are better than others just as there are websites that are better than others.
Right enough, a reference to a blog requires an open mind to actuallly do some reading/research; it is all too easy to hang on to the status quo, accepted dogma in a semi-religious fervour which is the outcome of the settled science scenario so beloved of our lords and masters.
In summary blogs are a convenient means of accessing information in a bottom up manner - that does require the will to do so of course.
Now, there is an enormous publicity machine that lies behind the current infatuation with so-called climate change (CC).
The CC that conveniently changed it's name from Global Warming (GW) when the evidence started to indicate that GW is not occurring, or it is occurring to a very small degree which does not threaten the current world order.
Compound that with the increasing indications that the raw data has been corrupted.
I very much doubt that anyone in here is very well read on the subject matter or is directly involved in the issues in their everyday existance - no one has spoken up in here to say "I am your great saviour who is all knowing on this issue, trust in me" or words to that effect.
I certainly have not.
Just one more point on the settled science:
Last century, Einstein developed theories in physics that confounded the Newtonian laws that had served us well for a few hundred years. But, Newtons laws of motion do continue to serve us well in our day to day affairs especially in the world of engineering.
Now, current physics is developing theories which indicate that Einstein was less than correct just a few years ago.
But I am supposed to accept, according to some postings in here, that the science of CC is a done deal; no arguments will be brokered, it is unacceptable to dissent, plain wrong man! Accept the truth pill.
As I mentioned a few pages back; that is medieval thinking, at best, and it really does work out well for the top down dissemination of smoke screens that divert from the real issues that the powers would rather not address.
I also mentioned a few pages back about the wolf that is much nearer the homo sapiens sledge; that is a subject that I have been following much more closely than CC over the past couple of years, so apologies if I have not provided full disclosure of every single source that I have considered in the past with respect to this thread topic.
Do your own research I would say, and remember to consider what folks are doing rather than what they are simply saying during this El Nino year and in the future.
Last edited by Walkabout; 4 Jan 2016 at 17:01.
Reason: tidy up of paragraphs

3 Jan 2016
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The wolf taking a sleigh ride
100 replies and about 1300 viewings of this thread probably indicates that it is about to go the way of most other threads, following the end of the Christmas festivities and the big return to gainful employment tomorrow.
Regarding the wolf nearest the sledge theme, for anyone even mildly interested, this one is on the sledge and has been for quite a while.
Ho ho ho and best for 2016.
Making the World Safe for Banksters: Syria in the Cross-hairs | WEB OF DEBT BLOG

3 Jan 2016
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Originally Posted by Walkabout
100 replies and about 1300 viewings of this thread probably indicates that it is about to go the way of most other threads, following the end of the Christmas festivities and the big return to gainful employment tomorrow.

3 Jan 2016
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Move along now, there's nothing for anyone here
Originally Posted by backofbeyond
Far be it from me to knock the pig on the head and slit it's throat - after all the thread belongs to MD, so he can do the honours.
Over the Christmas period I ditched Opera as a browser after having a few issues with it and moved on to use of ANO.
Thereby, I lost all of my earlier bookmarks/favourites; I realised that would happen because I couldn't find a way of exporting bookmarks out of Opera.
Anyway, my need now is to rebuild my reading material = obviously blogs for reasons stated above.
Net result:
Here's another one, derived from my earlier ref, especially pertinant to USA folks but good reading for anyone who wishes to understand the world in which they happen to travel.
Blog - Public Banking Institute
I contend that judicious choice of blog reading is a better education than any degree course on offer across the world.

4 Jan 2016
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Originally Posted by Walkabout
Far be it from me to knock the pig on the head and slit it's throat - after all the thread belongs to MD, so he can do the honours.
Over the Christmas period I ditched Opera as a browser after having a few issues with it and moved on to use of ANO.
Thereby, I lost all of my earlier bookmarks/favourites; I realised that would happen because I couldn't find a way of exporting bookmarks out of Opera.
Anyway, my need now is to rebuild my reading material = obviously blogs for reasons stated above.
Net result:
Here's another one, derived from my earlier ref, especially pertinant to USA folks but good reading for anyone who wishes to understand the world in which they happen to travel.
Blog - Public Banking Institute
I contend that judicious choice of blog reading is a better education than any degree course on offer across the world.

Been reading this over a period of time and this post plus a few of the others do not mention anything about continuing to ride bikes in the future, most of the posts just mention opinions of others (links ) to what they believe no one knows anything about the future and what will happen.

4 Jan 2016
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You will have to make up your own mind, or not
Originally Posted by roamingman
Been reading this over a period of time and this post plus a few of the others do not mention anything about continuing to ride bikes in the future, most of the posts just mention opinions of others (links ) to what they believe no one knows anything about the future and what will happen.
Too true.
Being in the HUBB pub and it having been Christmas festivities until recently, it is about typical for this time of year.
Certainly, positions were taken up against all comers, just as occurs in real pubs but there has been no brawling in the bar.
We never really got to the point whereby a Mystic Meg character provides us with some % certainty concerning the future.
That's the beauty of all belief systems be they based on settled science or religion or some other ideology.
"May your God go with you" in 2016 as a well known, now deceased, British comedian used to say at the end of his programmes.
I still contend that one can learn a lot more of the ways of the world from online blogs than from any degree course on offer anywhere in the world.
(Hans Rosling is but one case in point - he has some views, based on his research, about degree level studies).
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