Working in America
Hello all,
Hope you're all well. Just thought I would put this question out there.
Me and my man are hoping to ride along the River Road in the States (Terlingua to Big Bend, Texas) next Summer. It will be both our first times to the country and so we want to make the most of it.
Seeing as it falls in quite well with both our job situations right now, we were thinking of trying to spend something like a few months out there, and possible get some casual work to keep us going. Farm work, fruit picking, odd jobs etc ...
Does anyone know if this would be at all possible (we're both Brits) or are we just day dreaming here??
I mean is there a website that caters for this kind of thing (something like WOOFing but with a bit of cash) or will we have to go through the whole serious immigration process??