Hello everyone. I crashed my motorcycle in Copper Canyon, Mexico; and, unfortunately my Jessie Bags bought the farm. I had put on quite a few miles and been to quite a few places – see pictures of my sticker collection.
Now they are all gone. Hopefully I will visit these places again someday but until then I was hoping my fellow adventure travelers of the world would help me reconstruct my sticker collection.
If on your travels (or if you live in the places where you can get theses stickers) you cold get me one and send it to me it would be greatly appreciated.
Please include a receipt (or just tell me what it cost you) and a return address and I will send you a check/money order (postage included).
Send Stickers to - Michael Cardwell, 1440 S. Val Vista Drive, Apt. 2062, Mesa, AZ, 85204.
Thank you all in advance for your help.
Stickers Include – Round Alaska, Denali (w/moose), Dalton Highway, NW_GS (I cut this one into a triangle), LAP (La Paz Mexico), Yukon (Territory Flag Symbol w/dog), Canada, Dawson Creek B.C. (start of the Alaska Highway, & Prince Edward Island.
PS – If you are ever in the Phoenix and you need a place to stay just let me know and you are more than welcome.