Don't know if you've had any luck finding an Acerbis tank yet, but I thought I'd give you the specifics as I know them. I have an 84 KL600 that I actually found a tank for here in the U.S.. Very rare find on Ebay a couple of years ago. From what I know, Acerbis quit making this tank for the U.S. market at least a decade ago. That and the fact that the original KLR's didn't sell that well, there weren't many of these tanks available from the get go. The European market had access to the early model KLR's for several additional years (I think through 95-96?) Bottom line, the Acerbis tanks are still available in Europe (used) if you're willing to pay the asking price and shipping. From what I've seen, $300-$500.00 is about normal. Hope this helps! If you have any luck finding a clean white tank, let me know. I'm still in the market for a white one.