Free rack and semi complete boxes to good home...
Ok here goes....
Back in 2000 when I was running a DL prepped 1VJ (XT 600) I was desperately looking for a rack to mount some ally boxes to take to Africa. After a lot of looking I managed to aquire a beautifully built tubular rear rack. It has a flat rear luggage section and side bars to mount boxes on.
I immediately looked for a set of boxes and soon resigned myself to doing without (bloody expensive for what they are really!!!) until a friend asked why I didnt make some. Sounded like a good plan!!!
I bought the aluminium, folded it with the aid of a friends engineering workshop and ended up with two box shapes and two lids ready to be welded or rivetted.
Then it all went rather pear shaped......Prior to this point I hadnt actually tried to fit the rack to the bike, and when I did, it didnt fit......
With such a short time before leaving I binned the rack/box idea, invented the patent Lomax/B&Q side rail system and chucked on some throw overs. I loved the system that much I never went back to the rack/box system.
Last week whilst sorting out the garage both rack and boxes appeared!
First the good news. I want nothing for them!!! Yep NOTHING!!!!
BUT: The boxes will need £40 of (Aluminium) welders time and a little DIY to rivet some clips on and fit some sponge top sealing stuff. (They currently look like boxes and are folded from 1 piece of Aluminium each, but have a seam down the back that needs welding and a base that needs sorting.) They will also need a mounting system devising to attach them to the rack, nothing a little aluminium angle and a pop rivetter wont solve.
Secondly there is the question of the rack....I know it doesnt fit a 1VJ, and I've been told it is an XT rack. For reference it was too narrow to fit my old XT.....I'm not totally sure what it does fit....
So to summarise, if you happen to have the 'right' XT, a mate who welds Aluminium and a pop rivetter you could walk away with the cheapest set of boxes and rack in the world...........
Oh, and I'm in Manchester, UK, and cant be arsed posting them.....
Bit of a long shot I know!!! I hope they can go to a good home. I'm not splitting them yet, they are ideal for someone with a long distance project and not a lot of money, but eventually if there is no interest I'll let the boxes go spereately.
All the best!