For Sale (London - UK): BMW F650GS WP (ex. White Power) Rear shock
This would fit the standard single cylinder F650Gs (ie. NOT the Dakar and NOT the 650 which is really an 800!).
It fitted my 2004 GS. I used t for a year while travelling in South America. I swapped with the standard shock when I came back and has been living in my shed since. it's in fairly good condition.
I will bring it to the Ace Cafe on Sunday 20th for the Travellers meeting. Anyone interested, I ride a Blue Versys. (picture here: Page Title ) - Or actually I amy bring my Spanish Rieju offroad bike as it is for sale too. Will let you know!
If this fails to go at the event it will probably go on eBay with pretty much everything else as we are leaving the country.
You can drop me an email on maria "dot" franglais-riders "dot" com.
Asking price: say £100...?
Last edited by maria41; 10 Feb 2011 at 11:59.