Us army 20mm Ammo boxes, pannier convertion
I have one set of US army 20mm ammo boxes. I got hold of these when I was out in Canada specifically to make adventure touring panniers. You can not get these in Europe and they where a challenge to get in Canada. They are made from steel are are therefore very tough and easily fixed out in the field. Each one is waterproof, toploading and both are in great shape. They are quite heavy ( 7kg compared to just under 4 for a touratech Zega) but are bombproof.
Included is some fixture and mild steel that I was going to use to make the mountings.
The dimensions are H 370mm
L 470mm
W 200mm
Grab yourself a bargain and make some strong cheap panniers
Would be able to deliver along the M4 as far as Bristol for a small fee, within 10 days of auction ending
See US 20mm ammo boxes, perfect for touring panniers on eBay (end time 25-Oct-10 09:27:15 BST)