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Photo by Brad-Houghton, of Parque Nacional Eduardo Avaroa, Bolivia

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The Stone Tree,
Reserva Nacional de
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Old 1 Jul 2020
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Documents and police corruption

Just wondering how this works in more detail. When pulled over by police, the rule seems to be immediately play dumb, smile and wait it out. People have mentioned never handing over real paperwork, only copies. And that the only time you should hand over real paperwork is at borders because you HAVE to.

Is it illegal to refuse to hand over your real documents to cops? If a cop asks to see a foreigner's passport or driving licence, etc and the foreigner hands the cops a crumpled sheet of A4 paper instead?

Does all this stuff only apply to countries considered 2nd/3rd world? If you were pulled over in Italy or something (1st world country), do you still play dumb and give them copies?
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Old 1 Jul 2020
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The police in every country have the right to see all of your documents to confirm that both you and your vehicle are legal in their country and if it comes to it have the right to see the originals.
Having said that I usually carry scanned and nicely printed copies of everything I can and if asked show these in the first instance, I also only show my international driving permit rather than the original driving licence which they often prefer as it is in multiple languages.
I have rarely been pulled over by a police officer who does not speak at least a little English so playing dumb will probably not work but after greeting them and if it seems appropriate shaking their hand or asking how they are let them ask the questions and don't offer any documents or information that you have not been asked for, do not lie.
Crumpled sheets of A4 stand a good chance of getting you into trouble and find out local rules and regulations and stick to them, it won't stop you being pulled over now and again but it will reduce it to a minimum.
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Old 2 Jul 2020
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1) Be diplomatic
2) Be friendly
3) Be patient - willing to spend as long as necessary in conversation.

People in general react well to these.

In my experience mark manley's advice is good. Use IDP first and produce your licence only if asked; good clean copies are a start however I've never had any problem with showing originals. The police have every right to ask to see your documents and verify that you're legal.

In many years of driving in much of the planet, I have only three times experienced incidents in which it was possible (probable) that a police check was hoping for a contribution (without any overt request), and in both occasions my willingness to do whatever the law required and my patience and tact resulted in my being permitted to drive away without any contribution being made. These were in Venezuela (5 minute chat), Colombia (45 minutes), and Paraguay (2 hours).

Two exceptions:

1) Northern Bolivia - police and other officials routinely, and overtly, request contributions, HOWEVER you don't have any problem if you refuse, politely.

2) Western Tanzania - a police patrol asked us if we could give them some fuel, since they were running out . We gave them some fuel, and consider this the same as if they had been any other traveller.

On a couple of occasions, both in Tanzania, we've been accused of infractions which we had not committed. Tactful righteous indignation worked and we continued on our way.
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Old 2 Jul 2020
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Can't say I've been stopped by corrupt police much, but seems that Africa is a possible place for that happening.

And an excellent bit of advice for Africa, don't remember where it came from, was, when riding in a place where a police stop is a possibility, be prepared to let go (safely) of front brake and remove glove quickly, and offer right hand with "Hello how are you?" or something similar. And it always worked.

I was asked for "documents" only once in Africa and that was in S. Africa. The International Driving Permit was sufficient to be waved on.

I try to remember an old saying - someone told me it's Native American - "if you go out looking for friends, you'll find no enemies. If you go out looking for enemies, you'll find no friends." Doesn't always come to mind when you're stopped by the police, but worth it if it does.
TTR250 - London to Cape Town
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Old 2 Jul 2020
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"if you go out looking for friends, you'll find no enemies. If you go out looking for enemies, you'll find no friends."

Agree completely.
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Old 3 Jul 2020
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I carry good color copies of all my documents and a color doublesided laminated copy of my Drivers License. Not because I want to hand them to the police when I need to, but in case I should lose the original, I will at least have something to show. (I also have pics of all documents on my phone, and in the Cloud.)

The strategy of playing dumb (not too dumb, more like language barrier), and being patient and stating the truth has always worked for me.

It goes without saying, I hope, that if you're guilty of what they are saying: speeding, wrong way down a one way street, importing cash, using the black market, etc- you own up to it, show respect and pay your fine, as you would in your home country. At least, that's what I do.

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Old 3 Jul 2020
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It needs just patience - as long you didnt have done something wrong. Be honest, arque or not, after at least 20 mins - they will send you away.

Special in Africa: If they dont wear an uniform - ask after their documents. No documents, no control. This shouldnt be tryed at a border, where they often also dindnt wear a uniform.

I never had to leave documents back.

If they catch documents, then it is your passport - till you have paid the fine and can show the banking receipt (or bribe - what you never should do).

You can opt for an 2nd passport - but they cost more than the most fines...

2nd Passport isnt hard to get - when you have the right argumentation: https://www.4x4tripping.com/2013/04/...h-pass_15.html

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Old 14 Aug 2020
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documents and police corruption

A few years ago ,i was stopped in Morocco for speeding !
Went into the police car ,and acted very sorry !
But as he was giving me a ticket spilled his coffee all over my insurance cert !

Nice man ................. let me off !
Just be warned about Police in Moroc , there are very very hot now !!
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Old 16 Aug 2020
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I also received a speeding ticket in Morocco 2 years ago.

The police were very professional, and very polite. The location they set up at was what you could call a "speed trap" - a short-distance reduction in speed along a major highway due to a wee curve in the road - and they didn't have to wait for customers.

But, the whole process was quite pleasant & friendly, and the policeman gave me full documentation of the ticket, and a receipt for the fine (wasn't very much).

At the end of the whole process, I apologized for speeding, and the policeman said "Not to worry, you have paid your fine, all is forgiven, continue on and enjoy your time in Morocco", which I thought was very considerate.

I have always been favourably impressed with the courtesy & professionalism of the police in Morocco.

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Old 17 Aug 2020
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Being stopped for speeding is one strategy, being stopped for document check is another. Document check happens often in many Latin American countries; I always am cooperative & friendly, speak the language if I can, and provide the docs (title, driver license, sometimes insurance). Speeding, no experience (yet) other than in my home country.
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Old 11 Dec 2020
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Hi all

I got stopped for speeding in West Africa, Ghana I think. I didn't see the sign, maybe there wasn't one, but I offered him a Barry White tape I found in the car and he was happy with that.

Good deal I thought as not a BW fan.


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Old 11 Dec 2020
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This is why I never leave home without at least one Barry White tape in my emergency kit. FWIW, convincing copies work as well as the genuine article.
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Old 12 Dec 2020
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Shaking Hands

The shaking hands thing cannot be understated. Though not MC related, I worked for the UN and shaking everyones hands diffused so many situations.

It also worked the other way. If someone refuses to shake your hand, generally, you know exactly where you stand ...... they aint gunna be your friend.
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Old 12 Dec 2020
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Copy of Documents

Hi, for years I have been reading about people presenting copies of their papers at police checks. To be honest I find this hard to believe - you were stopped and asked for your documents, the copy can so easily be a forgery, rather than tampering with an original, which is often very difficult to do well.

Even if the official is only intending to extort a small contribution he is going to laugh in your face when you present a potential forgery, and now he has a legitimate reason to detain you, and the price goes up, to say the least.

I am very "old school" when it comes to dealing with the law, they can send you on your way with a "Manchester United" and a thumbs up, or they can really mess up your life if things escalate.

Desmond Morris in the "Naked Ape" has some advice for dealing with police, customs, immigration etc, which is to be friendly, assume a non-threatening posture, remove your helmet, not argue aggressively, be patient and helpful. Other cheap tricks are to praise their grasp of english, their beautiful country with friendly citizens and famous cuisine, make negative comments about the neighboring country - "they are all thieves in xxxx", which is probably true anyway!

Wise to have copies in case the originals are lost or destroyed. Also copies might be accepted when you have shown the originals, after an accident for example.

Lastly, when you stop, be swift and remove your keys and pocket them. Dishonest cops are just as likely to seize your keys rather than your documents. I have heard of this in both Belgia and India!

Stay Strong

Peter, in Oslo
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Old 12 Dec 2020
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Originally Posted by GSPeter View Post

...Other cheap tricks are to praise their grasp of english, their beautiful country with friendly citizens and famous cuisine...
Perhaps rather old-hat with GPS and sat-nav nowadays, but it's worked many times for me, in 1st, 2nd and 3rd world countries; everywhere other than back in the home country:
When pulled over by any authority for whatever reason - real or imagined - ensure that by the time they're parked and have walked-up to you that your helmet and gloves are off and that you have a map out and opened on top of the tank-bag. Immediately and effusively thank them for stopping to help (don't allow them even a moment to think about or mention the speed-limit or red-light) and quickly go on to explain where on the map you think you might be and where it is that you're trying to get to; if - as is likely - you're on the correct and obvious route, describe some imaginary restaurant/cafe, tourist site/viewpoint that you've been told to stop at and are looking for the turn off too. This will soon lead on to your getting their recommendations and advice with regard to route, food-stops and things worth seeing along the way and ultimately a friendly wave as you ride away. On a few occasions as we've departed, I've seen from the expression on the Officer's face, the dawning realisation that rather than we stopping him, it'd been he who had stopped us, though even those let us continue without a re-stop.
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