OK all you guys, just don't forget to GROUND (electrically connect, bond) the fuel filter apparatus, the source of fuel (nozzle or jerry can) and the motorcycle tank together with clip-on grounding wires before you start filtering.
Normally, the presence of the nozzle in the fuel filler opening results in an electrical bond between the bike and the source of fuel, plus, the fuel leaves the nozzle inside the tank, where the fuel vapour concentration is too rich to support combustion if there is a spark as a result of static electricity discharge.
But, the moment you begin filtering fuel, you greatly increase the amount of static electricity created (especially when using chamois filters), plus, the fuel is now exposed out in the open, where it is very easy to get sparks (from static) in an area where the fuel vapour concentration would support combustion.
There have been many, many tragic accidents and explosions in the aviation industry caused by people filling aircraft tanks from barrels and not properly bonding the barrel, filter, and aircraft together before opening any fuel caps. Please be aware of this serious hazard before you try filtering fuel into a motorcycle. It's not only the equipment that is at risk, when the explosion happens, the person doing the fuelling is always covered with splashed fuel and usually badly burned.
NB that it is impossible to electrically bond a portable plastic fuel can to the filter and/or motorcycle.
Diesel fuel (JET-A) presents less of an explosion hazard than gasoline (benzine), but the risk is still there, and there have been many explosions documented when filtering diesel as well.
[This message has been edited by PanEuropean (edited 14 November 2003).]