How to clean your sheepskin without spending a fortune!
So your trip is over and you would like to display your beautiful sheepskin, bought in Argentina or wherever. But it is caked in dirt as you rode on it through mud and gravel! Professional cleaning will cost you an arm and a leg. So this is the easy and cheap way.
Get a big natural soap with no fancy additives (a good old Savon de Marseille or similar) or powder soap for delicate clothes for example.
Fill the bath or kitchen sink with tepid water. Work gently your sheep skin with the piece of soap and your hands (like working a dough of bread). Rinse well and repeat this 2 or 3 times until you're happy the wool is clean.
In the last rinse drop a generous amount of white vinegar to soften the wool (especially if you live in an area where the water is hard!). Don't worry it won't smell of vinegar!
Dry on a flat surface in a shaded area (and away from the dog!). Et voila!