how to travel wit out having to bring extra cloths!
here's a little trick when I'm away for under a week, down bring extra cloths.
and longer you only need one change!
smartwool light weight tshirts with the sleeves cut off- never smell never show dirt, when you wash it you'll be amazed at how dirty it really was!
same with socks, smartwool lightweight and black if you can find them.
exfisio (or how ever it's spelled) undies, wash them in the shower (also work well as a wash cloth) then wring out after the shower and put back on they dry in no time!
also the wool socks and shirt arn't cold and don't feel icky when you put them on wet...
FYI I'm in thailand, so take that into acount,, wouldn't want to try this somewhere where it's snowing!!