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Old 12 Dec 2007
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meeting people on the road

I am undertaking a small social experiment as one of the things that bothers me is how do you end up meeting with people on the road do you approach them or let them approach you. How do they view you the way you look. Do you consider yourself to be approachable?

After a trip to halfords [in my uniform clearly displaying prison officer in white writing on it] I was followed by both the uniformed security guards and their plain clothes as well as the security cameras. When i asked them as they stood over me at the till why they did this as it is incredible overkill on their part and against everything I was told to do when I worked security they said I looked dodgy and so did the guy that came in with me[ an off duty police officer]. They then informed me i must have a guilty conscience if I didnt like having a security guard at each end of the shopping lane staring at everything I did and a plain clothes one standing 3 foot from me at all times.The little gimp of a manager stood behind them sniggering.
I did get the last laugh on them though as an ex con I knew came up to me in teh car park and offered me 2 socket sets he had just nicked while all the guards were following me. I declined of course and his invite to go into the pcworld next door.
This led me to thinking about how I was going to be judged by people I met on the trip. Im 6ft had a skinhead and a goaty people generally dont talk to me in bars[ except squaddies for some reason]. I will hold a door open for someone at the shopping mall and they will go to another one and people looked shocked if I show some manners. I am not the sort of person that people start random conversations with or speak to in the street.
So I decided I will grow my hair and see what happens as I used to have very long hair the only down side of this was the odd occasional ass grab from men at the bar[ they often got a shock when I turned round but on occasion some of them looked quite pleased.] and the fact my hair is very thick and curly so I look like a giant fluffy teddybear.

Im at stage one- hair and full beard 2 inches in length.

The look - think the old black and white wolfman crossed with albus dumbledore from harry potter.[ I am currently fighting the urge to start licking my own balls or anyone elses]

Upside- warm and cosey outside and no shaving required. No longer have the velcro effect on animal hair and fluff.

Downside- hairgel on the helmet liner, need to carry a brush, drying time after shower increased, prisoners and collegues taking the piss.

the effect-

on the street-
1 oap i have never met before in my life starting a random conversation in the street about dogs crapping everywhere and kids making his life hell with underage drinking . Not sure what it had to do with me as didnt I have a dog with me and I dont even live in the same town. Another speaking to me on the bus [had head phones on wasnt sure what she was saying]. One woman handed me her baby instead of the pushchair I offered to carry up the bus steps[ her reply was that men are useless at folding them]

the bar- approached by several people for random pub talk until a fight broke out and I split it up making me the random psycho at the bar again. That is until my friends turned up and in the typical female tradition of taking teh piss out their male friends started shouting about how soft and fluffy I was and trying to get random strangers to stroke my head as it was soft like a bunny. A great way to meet new people but perhaps not the best way to meet a new woman as having hair like a fluffy bunny is not high on their list of things they want in a man.

Animals- My dogs and cats have now started to groom me while im in bed this is annoying but a slight improvement on using me as a scratching post or something to clean their tongue on.

the ex- well she caught me coming out the shower and said I was starting to look like captain caveman. This I believe is one step up from asshole but I quickly blew it by telling her with all the spare razors she may wish to sort out the 2 squirrels nesting in her armpits. As she has a shoulder injury and due to me being an insensitive male pig she made me wax her legs and pits with those disposible strips, a very strange experiance, and a female ritual I had not witnessed before[ my ass is hairy and staying that way]
It is one I would not recommend trying on a current partner[ or one u wish to keep] and dont believe them when they say thats my best tweezers they work for me. I do not recommend trying to watch TV while doing this, asking for a break halfway through or leaving the strips anywhere near a cat. It may have been traumatic for her but it put a smile on my face and I doubt she will ever try to run that guilt trip on me again

So From this I can conclude that being a little hairy is a good thing unless your a woman whos into waxing.

Last edited by pictish; 12 Dec 2007 at 03:13. Reason: spelling sux
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Old 12 Dec 2007
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What have you been smoking?
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Old 12 Dec 2007
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Have you thought about getting a red canoe?
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Old 14 Dec 2007
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As the lady in Katz Deli said of Meg Ryan "I'll have the same as what she's having!"

Cheered up my day considerably.

Pictish; I don't know what you're worried about, nobody would be able to get a word in anyway...

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Old 14 Dec 2007
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So...was the socket set metric?
93 BMW K75s
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Old 15 Dec 2007
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Originally Posted by pictish View Post
I am undertaking a small social experiment as one of the things that bothers me is how do you end up meeting with people on the road do you approach them or let them approach you. How do they view you the way you look. Do you consider yourself to be approachable?

After a trip to halfords [in my uniform clearly displaying prison officer in white writing on it] I was followed by both the uniformed security guards and their plain clothes as well as the security cameras. When i asked them as they stood over me at the till why they did this as it is incredible overkill on their part and against everything I was told to do when I worked security they said I looked dodgy and so did the guy that came in with me[ an off duty police officer]. They then informed me i must have a guilty conscience if I didnt like having a security guard at each end of the shopping lane staring at everything I did and a plain clothes one standing 3 foot from me at all times.The little gimp of a manager stood behind them sniggering.
I did get the last laugh on them though as an ex con I knew came up to me in teh car park and offered me 2 socket sets he had just nicked while all the guards were following me. I declined of course and his invite to go into the pcworld next door.
This led me to thinking about how I was going to be judged by people I met on the trip. Im 6ft had a skinhead and a goaty people generally dont talk to me in bars[ except squaddies for some reason]. I will hold a door open for someone at the shopping mall and they will go to another one and people looked shocked if I show some manners. I am not the sort of person that people start random conversations with or speak to in the street.
So I decided I will grow my hair and see what happens as I used to have very long hair the only down side of this was the odd occasional ass grab from men at the bar[ they often got a shock when I turned round but on occasion some of them looked quite pleased.] and the fact my hair is very thick and curly so I look like a giant fluffy teddybear.

Im at stage one- hair and full beard 2 inches in length.

The look - think the old black and white wolfman crossed with albus dumbledore from harry potter.[ I am currently fighting the urge to start licking my own balls or anyone elses]

Upside- warm and cosey outside and no shaving required. No longer have the velcro effect on animal hair and fluff.

Downside- hairgel on the helmet liner, need to carry a brush, drying time after shower increased, prisoners and collegues taking the piss.

the effect-

on the street-
1 oap i have never met before in my life starting a random conversation in the street about dogs crapping everywhere and kids making his life hell with underage drinking . Not sure what it had to do with me as didnt I have a dog with me and I dont even live in the same town. Another speaking to me on the bus [had head phones on wasnt sure what she was saying]. One woman handed me her baby instead of the pushchair I offered to carry up the bus steps[ her reply was that men are useless at folding them]

the bar- approached by several people for random pub talk until a fight broke out and I split it up making me the random psycho at the bar again. That is until my friends turned up and in the typical female tradition of taking teh piss out their male friends started shouting about how soft and fluffy I was and trying to get random strangers to stroke my head as it was soft like a bunny. A great way to meet new people but perhaps not the best way to meet a new woman as having hair like a fluffy bunny is not high on their list of things they want in a man.

Animals- My dogs and cats have now started to groom me while im in bed this is annoying but a slight improvement on using me as a scratching post or something to clean their tongue on.

the ex- well she caught me coming out the shower and said I was starting to look like captain caveman. This I believe is one step up from asshole but I quickly blew it by telling her with all the spare razors she may wish to sort out the 2 squirrels nesting in her armpits. As she has a shoulder injury and due to me being an insensitive male pig she made me wax her legs and pits with those disposible strips, a very strange experiance, and a female ritual I had not witnessed before[ my ass is hairy and staying that way]
It is one I would not recommend trying on a current partner[ or one u wish to keep] and dont believe them when they say thats my best tweezers they work for me. I do not recommend trying to watch TV while doing this, asking for a break halfway through or leaving the strips anywhere near a cat. It may have been traumatic for her but it put a smile on my face and I doubt she will ever try to run that guilt trip on me again

So From this I can conclude that being a little hairy is a good thing unless your a woman whos into waxing.
Well Pictish, I was told by a security dope that in B&Q I was watched because I had a crash helmet in one hand and was wearing a small rucksac. This was suspicious to them. Now these fools wanted to put me into an establishment like the one you work in, where the cold mist rolls in from the North Sea, and where drunk fisherman collapse in the streets in Peterhead.

I'm sorry to say that screws, as you describe yourself, are sometimes seen as only one step up on the evolutionary scale from shop security. No, I have never been inside, BTW. But we know that many of you are ex forces, and thats not a good sign. However I will forgive you as you like cats which is a redeeming feature.

It occurs to me that you wrote your long post in your nick on the night shift while I, as a taxpayer, paid your wages. This is illegal. I want you to post in your own time, not mine. You naughty boy.
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Old 15 Dec 2007
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Originally Posted by MotoEdde View Post
So...was the socket set metric?
id prefer imperial tbh, its only my old bike that falls apart
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Old 15 Dec 2007
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Originally Posted by Caminando View Post
where drunk fisherman collapse in the streets in Peterhead.
Sounds more like any city or town centre in the UK on a Friday or Saturday night, and there's not a fisherman in sight.

A tad stereotypical methinks.
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Old 15 Dec 2007
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erm fishermen? what fishermen most have had to sell their boats as their not allowed to catch anything. You are more likley to find someone on the ground thats oversdosed up here than anything else. And the reason they may have collapsed in the street is all the rig pigs have taken the taxis. Being an ex offshore worker you really shouldnt comment on the fishermen and drinking theres a reason the brave north sea tigers are now known as rig pigs although From knowing alot offshore guys at least they do it in slightly more upmarket bars.

ex military maybe 30 years ago, would say around 5-10% [if that] of guys and gals I work with were in forces. Most the people I work with are on their second career and range from tradesmen to bankmanagers as well as ex offshore workers who want to see their families every night. Why is ex forces a bad thing?

And as someone who worked both shop security and the doors for extra while I was a chef and my student years thats one hell of a step up. The level of qualifacation you have to gain in your probation is the same as any apprentice level job or 2yrs at college and thats on top of 2 months at a college before you start and your yearly training you have to do to legally do your job. On top of that you have all the specialist training for other areas national response teams[ electronics side, negotiators the police also use our guys or riot teams], programs[ AA, drugs, cognitive skills and sex offender rehab schemes], specialist searching units, drug testing ect ect ect.
The days of porridge style standing around barking orders and 23 hour lockdowns have long gone like the police we have huge amounts of paperwork to do and cutting staff is a huge favourite when it comes to saving money meaning theres even less time to deal with the prisoners. Guys and gals who are on a powertrip or treat people like crap wont last very long as there is on average a ratio of 20-1 or more in some areas and it doesnt matter what a big hard guy u are you will end up in a mess or worse. As most assaults dont go to court and the new EU laws mean that prisoners cant be given extra days by the prison internal justice system prisoners can get away with violence more and more. My last assault broke 2 of my ribs the guy got his TV taken away from him for 7 days or would have if he hadnt been sharing a cell[ cant punish the other prisoner].
Thats why they all have TVs and playstations as it been proven they dont riot as much and god forbid if u try to stop drugs getting in to the establishment that might actually involve touching one of them.

Oh and have no fear regarding your tax money at work we do get out at the end of our shift I think that was posted pre nightshift and we do get breaks you know and yes they are unpaid.

if the B&Q mafia try to put you in a place like mine again , unchain the small child , put some clothes on or remove the body parts from your rucksack as if u get sent here you have certainly done something a bit more than be suspected of shoplifting.

My original post was how about people deal with you on your appearance how just changing a little thing such as your hair or your clothes can change the way people treat you but as caminando [hopefully with some jest ] pointed out even your job can affect how your treated. Is it just the UK or is the rest of the planet as bad.

It wasnt so long ago that bikers were all treated as trouble causing scum and travellers were all stoner hippies do you still think that now?

Last edited by pictish; 15 Dec 2007 at 23:55. Reason: can remember
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Old 16 Dec 2007
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Originally Posted by pictish View Post
It wasnt so long ago that bikers were all treated as trouble causing scum and travellers were all stoner hippies do you still think that now?
Ahem!! If you don't mind we are all "Adventure Motorcyclists" on this site!!! Calling us names like "Bikers" and "Travellers" won't get you invited to too many Xmas parties!! Just 'cause we cause trouble and get stoned doesn't make us unloved!! I mean, take a look at Ewan and Charlie
Just Ride!
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Old 16 Dec 2007
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soz was referring to anyone on a bike and anyone who travelled not just the combo of the 2. And anyway it could just be me but even a short journey at the mo turns into an adventure the way people in bigger vehicles treat you is just downright bloody nasty.
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Old 16 Dec 2007
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If you have a bike with a white fairing and you happen to have a white helmet , the cagers respond in an entirely different way .
Blessed are the cracked, for they let in the light. - Spike Milligan
"When you come to a fork in the road ,take it ! When you come to a spoon in the road ,take that also ."
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Old 17 Dec 2007
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i was once stopped going into a well known supermarket chain by security!
security- you cant take that helmet in the shop sir.
me-why not?
security-because we sell motorcyle helmets sir.
me- and do they come with flies stuck to the visor?
ps pictish. keep up the smoking it help's you dream whilst your waiting for your next adventure and if you have any left over i'll pm you my address!!! smoke that is not your dreams!
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Old 2 Feb 2008
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First impressions are often not the best impressions....so

Instead of going to great length to change your appearance so that impressions of you formed by others would be more positive, or more accurate....why not go the cheap route?

And put on a smile?

Fact is, rough looking folks can be wonderful. And beautiful folks can be jerks. But the smile, or the lack of the smile, generally reveals the truth of the matter.

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Old 2 Feb 2008
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Originally Posted by pictish View Post
After a trip to halfords [in my uniform clearly displaying prison officer in white writing on it] I was followed by both the uniformed security guards and their plain clothes as well as the security cameras. When i asked them as they stood over me at the till why they did this as it is incredible overkill on their part and against everything I was told to do when I worked security they said I looked dodgy and so did the guy that came in with me[ an off duty police officer]. They then informed me i must have a guilty conscience if I didnt like having a security guard at each end of the shopping lane staring at everything I did and a plain clothes one standing 3 foot from me at all times.The little gimp of a manager stood behind them sniggering.
I think it is much more likely they were bored and looking to have a laugh at your expense. My brother is an ex-saleman for Curry's and now a policeman and he would have probably done exactly the same in that situation.

In all honesty though, wearing the uniform in public is asking for trouble and you must have looked like a proper knobhead. Try doing the same in any town centre across the UK on a busy weekend night.
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