A trip "half" the world - a finacial statistic!
Hi Guys!
We just finished a "half" worldtrip (we call it Part I...).
It took us 15 month, from Septembre 2005 to Decembre 2006. We started in Auckland (NZ) and drove as much as possible the overland-route back home to Germany.
After we reach our homecountry we spend some time on the computer and made a fine statistic. Meaby it is a helpful advice for planning a tour close to our route...
We drove one old Africa Twin, spend a lot of time in the tent in NZ and AUS. From Malaysia and further on we mostly used the ultracheap, typically asian accomodations and eat in restaurants.
We have had 5 transports (a mount of money!!!).
Here it is:
Completely Costs: 33.448 € ( = 74,49 € daily )
That are all the cost around our trip, including everything.
Pure Travelcosts: 29.436 € ( = 65,56 € daily )
Complete Costs without Presents, personell Items, Souvenirs, etc.
Pure Daycosts: 18.886 € ( = 42,06 € daily )
Pure Travelcosts without the costs for Motorbike and Flights, Transports, Visa etc. Call it an advice for backpacker....
Traveltime: 449 Days
Kilometre: 49042km
Travelled Countrys: 13
Continents: 3
A good "slide" into the next year
from Tanja and Christian