I created a website before the trip that included text, a Google Earth Map, a forum, and a pictures section.
I carried the following with me on my trip:
1. Nikon Coolpix Digi...$100
2. IBM ThinkPad...$1200
3. BackUp HD...$100
4. Cat 5 cable to plug into any router.
I organized my photos(using Google Picasa) and trip reports BEFORE I arrived to an Internet cafe...
Once at the I-cafe...I SSH'ed into my served at home at uploaded my pics and trip reports into my forum...while the upload process was happening, I checked email. This routine minimized my time at the I-cafe and maximized my efforts in keeping in touch with family and friends that followed the trip.
I think it was critical I set this up before the trip, as it paid significant dividends during the trip.
The laptop was used for the following:
1. Keeping journals...
2. Tying up trip reports...
3. Housing photocopies/PDFs of all important documents, in case I needed to print them again.
4. Kept a lot of digital copies of maps(take picture of print maps and zoom in)
The list goes on...but you get the picture.
The weight of the laptop compared to the weight of stuff I didn't have to carry with me because of the laptop, was a no brainer...it pays to equip smartly...
If you choose to go with a blog, WordPress is pretty quick and easy...and so is the Horizons Unlimited Blog option on here as well...
No matter what...enjoy the ride...as we all envy you as you're about to embark on one!