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Travellers' Advisories, Safety and Security on the Road Recent News, political or military events, which may affect trip plans or routes. Personal and vehicle security, tips and questions.
Photo by Brad-Houghton, of Parque Nacional Eduardo Avaroa, Bolivia

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Photo by Brad-Houghton,
The Stone Tree,
Reserva Nacional de
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Old 31 Dec 2004
Susan Johnson's Avatar
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Asian earthquake and tsunami disaster information

We've been away from news and Internet connections for the last few days in Mexico, or we would have posted sooner. The scale of death and devastation by the tsunami in Asia is beyond imagining.

Our thoughts are with the survivors and how they will rebuild their lives. We have provided links to sites for those wishing to donate to the relief efforts.

If you would like to make a contribution, these charitable organisations are equipped to offer both immediate and long term assistance:


Red Cross,
Save the Children

Red Cross,
Save the Children

Red Cross,
Save the Children

Doctors Without Borders

We are mindful that many travellers may have been in affected areas and their loved ones and friends will be frantic with worry about their safety. Following is a list of contact details for embassies in the area.

Please use the HUBB to report any news which you may have on travellers whereabouts and safety..


Australia's embassies and high commissions in Thailand, India, Malaysia, Indonesia and Sri Lanka (also responsible for the Maldives) are liaising with the local authorities, hospitals and hotels to account for, and provide assistance to, affected Australians.

A DIMIA officer is located at Phuket Airport to provide travel documentation to departing Australians who have lost their passports

In Phuket, our consular officers have set up an office at the Hilton Hotel (contact +66 76 370 672 (e-mail: aus_phuket (((AT))) inet.co.th), 333 Thanon Patak, Karon Beach, Phuket). Australians seeking consular assistance should contact this office. There is an Australian official at the City Hall in Phuket Town, where Thai officials are processing people being evacuated from nearby islands
In Sri Lanka, 4 wheel drive vehicles are being used to transport Australians to Colombo and the Sri Lankan airforce will also help to transport stranded Australians who are south of Colombo
In the Maldives, the UK government has agreed to help assist Australians, and our officers are joining UK officials at the Iskander School on Chandaru Madu Road in Male'
Additional consular officers are being sent to our embassies in affected countries to support our response.

Australian High Commissions & Embassies

Australian Compound
No. 1/50 G Shantipath, Chanakyapuri
New Delhi 110-021
Telephone: 91 11 5139 9900
Fax: 91 11 5149 4490

36 Maker Chambers VI
220 Nariman Point

Mumbai - 400 021
Telephone: 91 022 56692000
Fax: 91 022 56692005

Jalan H.R. Rasuna Said Kav C 15-16
Jakarta Selatan 12940
Telephone: 62 21 2550 5555
Fax: 62 21 522 7101, 2550 5467

E-mail address: public-affairs-jakt (((AT))) dfat.gov.au

PO Box 3243
Denpasar, Bali
Telephone: (+62 361) 283011 or 283241
Fax: (+62 361) 282281

88 Strand Road, Yangon
Tel.: 95 (1) 251797/8, 251810

Fax: 95 (1) 246159, 246160

3 Cambridge Place
Telephone + 94 - 11 - 2698 767
Fax + 94 - 11 - 2686 453

37 South Sathorn Road
Bangkok 10120

Telephone (+66 2) 287 2680
Fax (+66 2) 287 2029
E-mail address: austembassy.bangkok (((AT))) dfat.gov.au

[This message has been edited by Susan (edited 31 December 2004).]
Susan Johnson

Inspiring, Informing and Connecting travellers since 1997
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Old 31 Dec 2004
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United Kingdom

The FCO emergency telephone number is 0207 008 0000. British nationals in Thailand caught up in the tragedy should also contact the British Embassy in Bangkok which is open on an emergency 24 hour basis. The telephone number in Thailand is 02 305 8333. A team of officers from the British Embassy and the Honorary Consul have opened an emergency office in Phuket which will aim to provide immediate practical advice for British nationals in Phuket and other adjoining areas. Its numbers are 076 264 473/4/5 and 076 264 484.

In Thailand the Ministry for Foreign Affairs have set up an emergency hotline for foreign nationals affected by the tidal waves. The numbers are (66) 02 643 5262 and 02 643 5000/5002/5003. There is also an emergency fax line (66) 02 643 5256. The numbers will be manned by English speakers and are available both for callers within Thailand and relatives/friends overseas.

British High Commissions & Embassies

INDIA - Chennai
20 Anderson Road, Chennai 600 006
Tel: +91 44 5219 2151/5219 2158:
Fax: +91 44 5219 2320)

INDIA - Delhi
British High Commission
New Delhi 110021

Telephone: (91) (11) 2687 2161
Email: postmaster.nedel (((AT))) fco.gov.uk

INDIA - Mumbai
Maker Chambers IV
222 Jamnalal Bajaj Road
(PO Box 11714) Nariman Point Mumbai 400 021
Telephone: (91) (22) 22830517
Email: comenq.bombay (((AT))) fco.gov.uk

INDIA - Calcutta

1A Ho Chi Minh Sarani
Calcutta 700071
Telephone: (91) (33) 2288 5172
Facsimile: (91) (33) 2288 5172
Email:kolkata (((AT))) fco.gov.uk

British Embassy
Jalan M H Thamrin 75
Jakarta 10310

Telephone: (62) (21) 315 6264
After hours emergency number: (62) 811 802435
Facsimile: (62) (21) 315 4061

JI. Tirta Nadi No. 20
Telephone: (62) (361) 270601
Facsimile: (62) (361) 287804

Email: bcbali (((AT))) dps.centrin.net.id

J1 Kapt Pattimura 459B
PO Box 1286
Medan 20153
Telephone: (62) (61) 821 0559
Facsimile: (62) (061) 821 0991


190 Galle Road, Kollupitiya
(PO Box 1433)
Colombo 3
Telephone: (94) (11) 2437336-43
Facsimile: (94) (11) 2430308

1031 Wireless Road
Lumpini, Pathumwan

Bangkok 10330
Telephone:+66 (0) 2 305 8333
Facsimile: (66) (2) 305 8372
Email:info.bangkok (((AT))) fco.gov.uk

[This message has been edited by Susan (edited 31 December 2004).]

[This message has been edited by Susan (edited 31 December 2004).]
Susan Johnson

Inspiring, Informing and Connecting travellers since 1997
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Old 1 Jan 2005
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Location: Canada
Posts: 1,016

Foreign Affairs Canada's Emergency Operations Centre at 613-944-2471 or 1 800 606-5499

Canadian High Commissions & Embassies
6 Gregory's Road, Cinnamon Gardens, Colombo 7
Tel.: 94 (11) 522-6232 (5-CANADA); 269-5841
Fax: 94 (11) 522-6299; 268-7049
E-Mail: clmbo-cs (((AT))) international.gc.ca

INDIA - New Delhi

7/8 Shantipath, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi 110021
Tel.: 91 (11) 5178-2000
Fax: 91 (11) 5178-2020
E-Mail: delhi.consular (((AT))) international.gc.ca
Internet: www.india.gc.ca

15th Floor, Abdulrahim Place, 990 Rama IV, Bangrak, Bangkok 10500
Tel.: 66 (2) 636-0540
Fax: 66 (2) 636-0555

E-Mail: bngkk (((AT))) international.gc.ca
Internet: www.dfait-maeci.gc.ca/bangkok

World Trade Centre, 6th Floor, Jl. Jend Sudirman, Kav. 29, Jakarta 12920
Tel.: 62 (21) 2550-7800
Fax: 62 (21) 2550-7811
E-Mail: jkrta (((AT))) international.gc.ca
Internet: www.jakarta.gc.ca


17th Floor, Menara Tan & Tan, 207 Jalan Tun Razak, 50400 Kuala Lumpur
Tel.: 6 (03) 2718-3333
Fax: 6 (03) 2718-3399
E-Mail: klmpr-cs (((AT))) international.gc.ca
Internet: www.kualalumpur.gc.ca

House CWN 16/A, Road 48, Gulshan, Dhaka
Tel.: 880 (2) 988-7091/2/3/4/5/6/7

Fax: 880 (2) 882-3043
E-Mail: dhaka (((AT))) international.gc.ca
Internet: www.dhaka.org

Australian Embassy
Address: 88 Strand Road, Rangoon, Burma (Myanmar)
Tel.: 95 (1) 251797/8, 251810
Fax: 95 (1) 246159, 246160


18 Jules Koenig Street, c/o Blanche Birger Co. Ltd., Port Louis
P.O. Box 209, Port Louis, Mauritius
Tel.: 230 212-5500
Fax: 230 208-3391
E-Mail: canada (((AT))) intnet.mu

Limuru Road, Gigiri, Nairobi, Kenya
Tel.: 254 (20) 366 3000
Fax: 254 (20) 366 3900

E-Mail: nrobi (((AT))) international.gc.ca
Internet: www.nairobi.gc.ca
Susan Johnson

Inspiring, Informing and Connecting travellers since 1997
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Old 1 Jan 2005
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U.S. citizens may obtain up-to-date information by calling 1-888-407-4747 toll-free in the United States and Canada, and 317-472-2328 from overseas.

U.S. Embassies in Affected Countries
United Nations Avenue Nairobi

PO Box 606 Village Market
00621 Nairobi, Kenya 3636000

Jl. Merdeka Selatan 4-5
Jakarta 10110
Phone: (62-21)3435-9000
Fax: (62-21)3435-9922

INDONESIA - Surabaya
Jl. Dr. Sutomo No. 33, Surabaya 60264

Phone: (62-31)568-2287, 568-2288, Fax: (62-31) 567-4492

Jl. Hayam Wuruk 188, Denpasar 80235, Bali, Indonesia
Phone: (62-361) 233-605
Fax: (62-361) 222-426

Madani Avenue
Dhaka 1212, Bangladesh

Tel: (880) (2) 885-5500 Fax: (880) (2) 882-3744

INDIA - New Delhi
Shantipath, Chanakyapuri
New Delhi - 110021
Tel: +91-11-2419-8000
Fax: +91-11-2419-0017
email: ndcentral (((AT))) state.gov

INDIA - Calcutta

5/1, Ho Chi Minh Sarani
Calcutta- 700071
email: pascal (((AT))) state.gov

INDIA - Chennai
No. 220, Anna Salai
Chennai - 600006

email: chennaic (((AT))) state.gov

INDIA - Mumbai
Lincoln House
78, Bhulabhai Desai Road
Mumbai - 400026
email: webmastermumbai (((AT))) state.gov

THAILAND - Bangkok
95 Wireless Road, Bangkok 10330, Thailand
Tel: [66](2) 205-4005
E-mail: acsbkk (((AT))) state.gov
Home Page: http://bangkok.usembassy.gov/

210 Galle Rd, Kollupitiya, Colombo
Tel: 448007

Thailand Hotlines: To contact the American Citizen Services Section for assistance or to report missing American Citizens, please contact: 66-2-205-4049 (02-205-4049 from within Thailand). Please provide your name and contact number(s), and the American's name and date of birth or passport number.
Due to the large volume of calls, please be patient and your call will be answered.

Other Countries

Information hotline 030 5000-1000

Information hotline 0800 174 174
crise.reponse (((AT))) diplomatie.gouv.fr

Susan Johnson

Inspiring, Informing and Connecting travellers since 1997
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Old 1 Jan 2005
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See the HUBB post for additional comments and links.

Susan Johnson

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Old 2 Jan 2005
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Please see this post to post info on travellers in the area. If YOU are there, please let us know you're ok in the same post.

Thanks, Grant
on a totally crap connection till the 8th
Grant Johnson
Seek, and ye shall find.

Inspiring, Informing and Connecting travellers since 1997!
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Old 4 Jan 2005
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Here's a link to a vast collection of Tsunami Video Footage, Pictures, Clips And TV News Stories.

Grant Johnson
Seek, and ye shall find.

Inspiring, Informing and Connecting travellers since 1997!
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Old 7 Jan 2005
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Many airlines also are letting you donate frequent flyer miles. So if you are short on cash but have miles saved up from flying your bike between continents, this may be a good way to help.
Japan touring information
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Old 2 Feb 2005
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A 43-year old Kiwi woman escaped the tsunami on her bike:


Salut from Southern France, the bikers' paradise,


Europe to NZ 2006-10
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