Avoiding police in Lima
This might prove useful to somebody out there, worked for us. A little over a month ago we (2up on 1100gs) were crossing through Lima on the main bypass highway (ruta de evitamiento) and noticed small packs of 10 to 20 police officers randomly pulling over motorists and motoryclists alike. We had seen the same thing at the same locations a couple of years ago as we were heading south. But despite drawing the attention of the officers with our heavily laden bike, we never got stopped.
The reason is simple. The ruta de evitamiento is (in most places) 3 lanes wide and packed with vehicles ranging from buses to trucks to cars to carts, etc. all moving slowly but constantly. So packed, in fact, that if you happen to be in the "fast lane" at the far left it would take you a fair bit of time to make your way to the shoulder side of the road (were the police are gathered). The traffic is just too dense. So if you want to avoid getting pulled over, just make sure that you are in the fast lane on this particular road. If the police signal you to pull over (which I doubt) you will have a very hard time complying. Besides, you can just keep going and pretend you never saw them.