Bandit attack on the road Isiolo - Marsabit - Moyale in Kenya
We are french travellers and we were heading north from Samburu to Marsabit last Wednesday 25th of May.
Few kilometers after the end of tarmac, we've been attacked by several armed people (at least 3) that were very excited and we didn't manage to arrange the situation trying to give them our money
As the situation got worse very fast we decided to go on and they shot us and the car : my friend had received a bullet in the mouth and his jaw has been broken.
Fortunately, with lot of chance we managed to reach a safe place where they could take care of my friend. Other vehicles after us have been attacked as well.
Today, 3 days after, we are in Nairobi Hospital and my friend has been operated and thanks to our "bonne étoile - good star" as we say in french, everything shoulg going well now
So, If you have to take this road, you should ask an escort at the police station of Marsabit or Isiolo and/or organize a convoy.
Have safe travel !
David and Nadine
01/01/04 <-> 31/01/05 : Overland trip through Africa and Australia