Bear spray use and misuse - the official word!
-----Original Message-----
From: Dennis Martin
Sent: October 5, 2002 2:30 PM
To: susan
Subject: Pepper spray for bears
I read in your response in that you sprayed pepper spray around your camp site to discourage bears. Some research has shown that although this repellant may be effective when a bear approaches, conversely it has been shown to attract bears when sprayed
in remote areas. I would suggest you not continue this practice.
Dennis Martin, Virginia Black Bear Project Leader</QUOTE>
Although I had already made a correction in that thread, I thought I should post Dennis' letter here for information.
Susan Johnson
"It matters not what goal you seek
Its secret here reposes:
You've got to dig from week to week
To get Results or Roses."
Edgar Guest
'One world, two wheels'
[This message has been edited by Grant Johnson (edited 07 October 2002).]