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Travellers' Advisories, Safety and Security on the Road Recent News, political or military events, which may affect trip plans or routes. Personal and vehicle security, tips and questions.
Photo by Zoe Seymour, The main road south, DRC

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but it's on my list!

Photo by Zoe Seymour,
The main road south, DRC

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Old 29 Apr 2007
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Collating Emergency Info for Each Country

This may be a huge undertaking but with the thousands of memebers on this site, between us, we could make it happen.

Can we collate emergency/useful information for each country in the world. For example, telephone numbers, website addresses etc for Emergency Services & Embassies, with additional useful information for shippers, visa contacts, tourist information etc or any other info that members feel is important. Maybe we could have a section for useful translations.

Ultimitely, we could have a list of every country with a clickable link to a document for that country which is available both online and as a downloadable pdf.
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Old 29 Apr 2007
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Not a bad idea ...

However I got involved in a friends predicament whilst the strikes/riots were on in Guinea and he was stuck in the middle of a lot of shooting.

I was the only person who knew where he was; the only way I was able to get help to him was to ring the Irish Embassy in France (who were a bit surprised to be involved) who rang Dublin, who then rang the British Ambassador in Conakry who agreed to assist an Irish national.

Personally I've always been anti-mobile phones when I travel, but if he hadn't had his on him then our texts wouldn't have happened and he could have been in a lot of trouble.

Somehow this info needs:
1. Collating
2. Putting into an easy format
3 An easy way to store it so that you can have on your person or store on a mobile phone.

Just my thoughts on this ... I will get some info together that I have and post it here.

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Old 29 Apr 2007
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Start adding new info here, or send me (or Dakota! ) a text doc with all the info you collect. Also see the Planning / Country pages for a very poor start - which will be much, much enhanced asap.
Grant Johnson
Seek, and ye shall find.

Inspiring, Informing and Connecting travellers since 1997!
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Old 4 May 2007
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Arrow International Federation of Motor Clubs

This is post #2 (see recent camping in South/Central America) thanks in part to Grant and Susan's good advice I have personally collected copies of border crossing (temporary import of a motor vehical) info from 5 South American Countries and all of Central America except Belize. I have offered my data to FITAC here in Buenos Aires and they are very interested. I would also like to contribute to your good idea for Horizonsunlimited.
FITAC is an international federation providing reciprical road services for all motor club members from Argentina to Canada and all countries in between plus Spain. You will qualify for limited reciprical emergency services if you join the American Automobile Association (AAA) in the United States or Automobile Clubs any Fitac associated club.
I reccommend checking directly with FITAC and then listing all FITAC (motor Club) offices country by country in your data base.
I believe Honda (Brazil) would consider funding your data base ldea and publication of any info regarding foreigners buying motorcycles in South America-touring- and then selling in country of purchase prior to departure.
Motorcycle Parking Buenos Aires, Argentina
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Old 4 May 2007
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We've started collecting this kind of information for our trip to Russia in September - it's only half done at the moment but it'll be complete soon - you're more than welcome to take anything off there you like - we already link back to your country information pages

Country Information » Journey To Russia


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Last edited by mattcbf600; 5 May 2007 at 11:57. Reason: speeling is dreadful!
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Old 17 May 2007
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I am sure this information is already listed somewhere. Probably a travel insurance company or sat phone company could provide this information. You could also check the embassy websites which wouldn't take that long to compile.
Prevously known as JSherm
My blog: http://www.motorcycleramblings.com/
http://www.horizonsunlimited.com/tstories/sherman/ I will up date this soon, really Grant, I will....
"This is the story of America. Everybody's doing what they think they're supposed to do." J Kerouac
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Old 19 May 2007
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Grant nearly done this for the rtw trip for the countrys on our route its very comprehensive like the when to travel as and when I finish each doc I will e-mail them to you should be next week.

Land Rover Discovery 2, Yamaha Super Tenere
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Old 20 May 2007
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That's an awesome idea.Even though we are in an age when anything we need is just a click away,it can still be very hard to find the help or info we need in remote areas.
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Old 26 May 2007
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The problem we've found is that whilst the information may only be a click away no-one has all the information together for bikers.

The section on our site is there for us more than anything else - we'll have a print out of each page for each country that will have all the info we need.

The other thing of course is that the information you need is different depending on your nationality, type of transport and so on - so my thought was get it all in one place where I know it's right - then if I need it I wont have to panic and go searching!

Plus of course I think it's not a bad exercise to do some research as to what to do it something goes wrong in each country you pass through!


Watch some of my camp cooking videos

AIM: mattcashmore
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Old 17 Jun 2007
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Emergency No's

On the topic of emergency contacts, a fact all travelers should know...

The number - 112 from any digital mobile phone will divert to that countries emergency services. If that's a help or a hindrance will depend on the country your in.

This number DOES NOT work off a satellite signal in the event of having no digital signal though:

112 No Signal Mobile Phone Call Diverts to Satellite Hoax

I know most of you probably are aware of this but just thought I'd mention it.
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Old 17 Jun 2007
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Lightbulb Informations sur Le MAROC



Médecins du poste : Docteur Robert Chastel, généraliste : - Docteur Geneviève Hda-Pecqueux, généraliste :
Service Médical d’Urgence :
Clinique du coeur et des vaisseaux : ou 78.58.14/15/16
Clinique de l’Agdal :
Clinique des Nations Unies:


Médecins du poste:
Docteur Solange Lahlou:
Docteur Alain Guidon:

Cliniques Privées :

Clinique Val d’Anfa:
Clinique Al Hakim :
Clinique Kadi :
Clinique Ghandi :
ISAAF Mondial Assistance :
Maroc Assistance :


Médecins du poste :

Docteur Marie Françoise Bobey, généraliste :
Docteur Majoub El Berd, cardiologue :
Docteur Jacqueline Raynfeld, psychiatre :
Docteur Abdelhamid Ammor, traumato orthopédiste :


Clinique du Croissant Rouge :
Clinique TIMGIS:
Hôpital italien:


Médecin du poste:

Docteur Abdelhamid Benabdelouahad:


Clinique de la Résidence:
Clinique Assoulil:
Clinique El Massira:
Clinique des Spécialités:
AMU (Assistance Médicale d’Urgence):


Médecins du poste :
Dr Annie BURG :
Dr Omar BOUZBIBA : ou (téléphone portable)

Service médical d’urgence FASSI : (24h/24)

Cliniques privées :
Clinique AGDAL :
Clinique de l’ ATLAS :
Clinique RYAD : ou


Médecin du poste :
Dr Nathalie BOUGHALEB :

Clinique privée :


Médecins du poste:

Docteur Frédéric REITZER, généraliste:


Clinique Ibn Tofail :
Polyclinique du Sud:
Polyclinique de la C.N.S.S.:
Polyclinique « Les Narcisses »:
Polyclinique de la Koutoubia:
Ambulances Trari:


Médecin du poste:

Other numbers

Police Secours (en ville) : 19
Gendarmerie Royale (hors agglomérations) : 177
Pompiers 15


Commissariat central:


Commissariat Central

Sûreté Nationale à Mohammedia

Sûreté Nationale à El Jadida

Commissariat central:

Commissariat central:

Gendarmerie royale:


Commissariat Central
Gendarmerie royale ou 94.05.95.
Douanes de Tanger / 90.
Commissariat du Port de Tanger
Gendarmerie royale d’Asilah
Commissariat de Tetouan
Douanes de Tetouan
Douanes de Bab Sebta
Commissariat de Chefchaouen ou 98.63.89.
Commissariat de Nador:
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Old 18 Jun 2007
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Middle East Intel: For Paraguay, Argentina & Brazil

Attention South American overlanders...
At the risk of this having been posted already and is known data, I strongly reccomend anyone traveling to or near the "Triple Frontier" of Paraguay,Argentina,Brazil to read carefully the Middle East Intel Bulletin web page:

This is serious, dangerous stuff, but there is some good news, with all the FBI and international intel agents running around the Triple Frontier area.., the number of reported incidents of local police hasseling foreign moto tourists has really dwindled. A good line, to a bad cop, I have used is: If you don't stop trying to get a bribe from me, I will report you to the FBI agent who is following me....
Anyone with any real time, updated info on this area please post. I know my friend Doug is there now. He is a very intelligent and helpful person...he can be contacted via his web site:

Be safe, street smart and smile...
Motorcycle Parking Buenos Aires, Argentina
Discover how to legally Buy, Tour and Sell a motorcycle in Argentina
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Old 18 Jun 2007
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North American and Argentine Police/avoiding tickets

My thoughts regarding the existence of bad, corrupt
police that not only instigate crime but commit crimes
themselves exactly mirror my thoughts regarding
humanity in general.

Here is what I believe. I believe survival on this
planet is much more difficult than it has to be
because of a very few really bad people. Somewhere
around 80% of all human beings are not only surviving
but actively assisting others to survive. This vast
majority of people believe they can make it and others
can make it too, and if they can lend a hand to
others, they will. and when others do well in life it
is no threat to them. These are people who can start,
change and stop their behaviors at will, These are
"normal" people who understand the anatomy of control.
Which is of course the ability to start, change or

Now in order to understand the police one must
understand the main function of the police, which is
to prevent or stop things from happening. .
Therefore, after a while as a police officers who is
Repetitively preventing or stopping things, surrounded
by other police officers who are stopping things too,
he or she if not already having been selected by the
police application procedures as a stopper, becomes a

Society needs, as part of its control responsibily,

I have successfully avoided several speeding tickets
by simply sitting in the car with bowed head and
saying to the police officer now at my car window...,
"we really need to stop speeders, don't we"
Immediately their was such affinity and apparent
sharing of reality the officer would not or could
not give me a ticket. I have passed this on to many
others and all who have tried it, have confirmed my

Unfortunately, some police, (cultures designated
stoppers) have also been involved in situations where
their very life depended on their ability of stopping
something from happening. This confirms the fact to
them that their very life depends on their ability to
stop things.

I believe, and this is validated by actual statistics
of police corruption, much goes unreported, that
between 5 and 6% of US police are corrupt and
committing crimes against society. This group of bad
police contaminate and recruit from the other 15% or
so of the police who do not fall into the 80% I
believe are good people doing a tough job to the best
of their ability.

Unfortunately, the best "stoppers" are the ones who
get promoted and assume the leadership over large
groups of other police. Now remember, police in
general are not starters nor changers, just look at
the stats on any activity started and run by police
like Project DARE which has, by carefully weighted
scientific statistics created more drug than what
would have been expected if the program did not exist.
this is fact. Or the comical failures of every
police run community event, they can't even have their
own athletic leagues or police balls (social events)
picnics etc...because they are all trying to stop
these things from happening. I am not inventing this,
several reputable books have been written on this very

I am not sure we can even expect our police to be the
innovative starters and changers of societal behavior,
but if there is anything, even things beneficial
starting or even beneficial changings occuring in a
community you can expect the police to be right on
the scene to stop it. The court systems which also operate as stoppers of behavior, not starters of good behavior nor changers of society for the better.

So to directly answer your question for both North
America and Argentina I believe about 5% of the police
are corrupt and committing crimes against society and
that about 15% are in some way involved by the crime
of omission (not reporting the bad police) or minimal
participation in the commission of crimes against
society, and 80% are good men and woman trying to do
what is right.

One might say 80% really want to help others survive.

.I am, in the final analysis a starter of projects and
a changer and yes, if I have to I can stop things too,
so by nature I have very little in common with the
police, and represent a threat to them once they get
to know me.

This might be a good time to point out that I do agree
that every culture needs stoppers, This is an
unfortunate reality that has been created by a
relatively few really bad people. And, look what
happened to Senator Robert Kennedy because, as United
States Attorney General, he was prosecuting the
mafia/police connections in various cities throughout
North America. There is a wealth of documentation
about this existing corrupt connection available, I
have no need to be creative here.
Motorcycle Parking Buenos Aires, Argentina
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Old 23 Jun 2007
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Posts: 960
Remedy for sprained ankle+contact in Salta, Argentina

Just received the following e-mail from Doug in Salta Argentina...lend a hand if you can: His web site directly below....


Yo Charlie, (xxfiltrate)
I read the thing below on the HUBB but my going 85mph doesn't really relate! Cops will vary significantly from country to country. In decent countries 80% are probably good but in Honduras, El Salvador, and many others I think that 80% are on the other team. I know all about cops, and the whole thing about they're inadequecies in starting things, and the research showing that DARE has done absolutely no good at all. I just had my first accident and now I'm in Salta recovering with a sprained ankle. Hurts like hell but I think it'll be better relatively soon...
(Don Quiote) on HUBB
Che........Best remedy for a sprained ankle....I learned this in Costa Rica from goucho types there ...and confirmed in Flagstaff....Forget linament reccommended by MD go to a veternarian . They have the same stuff used for people but in much stronger concentrations for horses ankles... I used it a lot, when I was riding horses and fell off...I mean got bucked off. Just sounds better... It immediately takes out the pain and helps healing about 10 times as fast as anything else. It is a linament for sprained horses ankles....
Next 'STAY OFF IT' use cruches , whatever but stop putting weight on it. then every night, morning and afternoon... give yourself a touch assist, no not that....just lightly touch around the spraine with index finger...this brings the life force back to assist in the healing. The body mandate is mandate is AVOID PAIN so even carilian (sorry about the bad spelling) photography suggests that energy leaves injured areas of the body. Tthe light touch seems to restore the "life force' and helps heal the injury...

Find Frank in Salta, OPERATES AS WAYRACHAKI, Excursiones en Moto, he is a German, but speaks Spanish and English fluently... (you have probably seen his adverts in hotels, restaurants ,bike shops everywhere in South America ) his phone numbers are: (0387) 154028856 or 156835448 in Salta
DR. CHARLEY GARCIA (xfiltrate) on HUBB
Motorcycle Parking Buenos Aires, Argentina
Discover how to legally Buy, Tour and Sell a motorcycle in Argentina
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