Help,my F650GS shock was broken in Kuelap,Peru..!!
Dear Guys,I need your advise on the following..
A few days ago,I pass through millions of deep pot hole on dirt road to Kuelap,famous fortess in Nothern Peru.
After 3 hours,I feel something strange on my rear shock and found that
the oil was leaking.
So,next day,I work with 3 mechanics in Celendin which was located in the middle of nowhere, to put a new oil(Engine oil) in the shock and it was a really time consuming job for F650GS,it took a whole one day.
Sadly,it begin to bleed again after 1 hours later..
So,now,my shock was up and down very a real spring..
Also,I heard so many noise when I ride,maybe the chain hit somewhere..
maybe the aluminum pannier hit the bolt of swing arm..
I feel like having a big damage on the bike if I keep going like this..
Problem is that..
There are no BMW dealer in Peru and Boliviar,so I have to get down this rough road around 4,000 miles more with broken shock to Santiago,Chile.
I think they will fix the shock on warranty,because I already had changed the original shock to new one in Austin BMW dealer in Texas,it was on warranty.
But I{m not sure if the BMW chile are willing to do this or not..
It{s to expensive for me,buy the Ohline shock from U.S and ship it to Peru..
Maybe it will cost me more than 1,000 USD..!!!
I had spent huge money to get this bike keep rolling for the last 1 year,but
GS shock is really no good. I need to ride 3 years more to finish my 4 years round the world trip.
Also,I don´t know if I can find a new shock in Peru for my 2005 F650GS..
WHat should I do now? You are my only hope..
Please,let me know your opinion...
Se whan,Kang