Mauritania to west Mali
With the state of Libya and Syria and north Niger there aren't so many choices in getting overland to sub-Saharan Africa these days, but that has been made a little more dodgy with the kidnap of a French traveller the other night in the region of Nioro/ Diema.
Many travellers go Mori-Mali to avoid the well known aggro and graft at Rosso or Diama border with Mori-Senegal near the coast, but with the recent annoucement by the UN that there will be no intervention in jihadist-held north Mali (where the latest hostage will be taken) until next autumn, it makes Mori-Mali border area risky for the forseeable future. A kidnapping occurred in the same area of Mali in 2009 ( #10 in the full list here). What usually happens is you get spotted in southern Mori (or maybe sooner) then grabbed in Mali, so coming from east Senegal into Kayes ought to be less risky.
Last edited by Chris Scott; 25 Nov 2012 at 09:50.